Earlier this month Elon Musk confirmed that second patient received a brain implant Neuralink. The tycoon said the procedure went well, but said nothing more about the case. But now the company itself has provided details on the evolution of the matter and says that you can play now Counter Strike 2 and design 3D objects.
The first notable fact is that Neuralink has publicly identified the patient in question, although only naming him: AlexThe above-mentioned worked in the automotive industry as a technician, repairing and modifying large machines and vehicles of various types, until he was paralyzed by a spinal cord injury.
According to Neuralink, it took Alex just 5 minutes from connecting the implant to the computer to “start controlling the cursor with the power of thought”. Similarly, on the second day he was able to start designing 3D objects and playing video games.
Using Neuralink chip for gaming Counter Strike 2 This is, without a doubt, one of the most striking aspects of the case. Although something similar was already observed in Noland Arbo, the first patient of Elon Musk’s firm who was able to enjoy Civilization VI after the procedure.
Before receiving the implant, Alex was already playing Counter-Strike 2 with a remote control, specially for people with quadriplegia, called Quadstick. This is done by mouth using straws with pressure sensors for blowing and swallowing, as well as lip position sensors. However, its use in shooter In first-person view, it is limited because it does not allow you to move and aim/shoot at the same time. But now the patient uses the Quadstick together with Neuralink’s development to have both functions at the same time. The company even shared a video of its performance in the game.
Using Neuralink to Design 3D Objects
Alex has also been able to greatly enhance his ability to design objects in 3D with the Neuralink implant. Previously, the above mentioned individuals had used other assistive technologies to learn how to use design programs, but their capabilities were limited.
Elon Musk’s people claim that thanks to their chip, the patient was able to control Fusion 360 design and 3D print a support for Neuralink’s charging device. The company has committed to continuing to work with the object to expand the number of controls and actions that can be performed with the brain implant.
Noland Arbo and Alex are just the first representatives of Neuralink’s highly ambitious project, which has not been without controversy. The company aims to implant several more chips into patients paralyzed by spinal cord injuries by 2024. The goal is to reach 22,000 users with the chips by 2030.
It is worth noting that Neuralink took additional measures to prevent infection of a second patient. Electrode disconnectionproblem that arose in Arbo after the operation. To achieve this, it was decided to reduce the distance between the chip and the brain, as well as reduce the movement of the brain during the operation.
Source: Hiper Textual