Spanish Catholic Church Gets Lucky After Reopening tomb of saint teresa of jesus110 years after the last time. Like many other saints of his time, his incorrupt body was a prerequisite for his canonization. His heart, hand, and arm, separated from the rest of his body, were put on public display after his death. The heart and hand did it. Alba de TormesSalamanca, where the tomb is also located. Instead, the hand remained in a reliquary in RoundMalaga All these relics remain intact today, but it remains to be seen whether the rest of the body will remain intact.
The tomb was opened for the last time in 1914. Then a photo was taken to track its state of preservation, so now the goal was to compare this image with its current state. And there was no need to compare anything, because it seems that the bodywork has remained exactly the same.
This is what the General Postulator of the Order of Discalced Carmel told the media: Marco Chiesaand Prior Alba de Tormes, Miguel Angel Gonzalez. The purpose of this new discovery was not only to check whether the incorruptible body of Saint Teresa can still be considered as such. They also want to study his corpse to find out information about his last days. Find out what diseases you suffered from or what injuries may cause you pain. For example, it is already known that he had spurs on his feet and that this may have caused him pain when walking.
It makes sense that the Catholic Church would associate the incorruptibility of St. Teresa’s body with something miraculous or divine. But what could it really be connected to? Why do some bodies decompose shortly after death, while others remain almost intact for many years?
Science of the Incorruptible Body
There are several possible reasons why a corpse may not decompose. First of all, if you are in very cold and dry placeit dehydrates very quickly, preventing the growth of microorganisms that need water to live. The body will appear eaten away, but will not rot in the usual way.
There are also some areas where oxygen exposure is so low that most of the microorganisms that decompose meat cannot reproduce. It is found, for example, in clay soils or in very well sealed crypts.
On the other hand, there is a problem saponification. This occurs in places where there is no oxygen, which is where most microorganisms do not have access. In some cases, certain anaerobic bacteria or, equivalently, bacteria that can live without oxygen. To obtain energy, they convert the fat present in corpses into a waxy substance known as wen. In the process they also react alkaline salts which can come from the ground or from the corpse itself.
Adipocere acts as a kind of embalming agent, protection of the organism from decomposition. Changes in the color and texture of the skin may occur, as has been seen in more than one incorruptible body, but decomposition is usually prevented. The same may happen to corpses that have been in water containing high concentrations of alkaline salts for a long time.
The Curious Case of a Portuguese Cemetery
Sometimes, even on the same plot of land, some bodies can survive while others don’t. That’s what happens in a cemetery in Portugal, where due to lack of space, bodies are exhumed every three years to check if they have completely decomposed. Yes, that’s how it is, bones are transported to another cemetery. Otherwise, they are buried again and the process is repeated every two years. It has been observed that even with the same type of terrain and the same climatic conditions, some bodies decompose quickly, while most take many years to decompose.
The reasons are unknown, but there is a suspicion that they could have gone far beyond the local area. They could have been related to use of tobacco, drugs or certain foods people while they were still alive. Perhaps something similar could have happened to the incorruptible body of some saint.
Saints Smelling Flowers
In ancient times, in order for a person to become a saint after his death, it was necessary to have an incorruptible body in his tomb. it was a necessary requirementIf your body also smells like flowers, all the better.
The latter would give him a greater status of incorruptibility. However, there is something interesting in this, because in addition to the mystical part, the smell of flowers can have a certain relation to decomposition of meat.
It’s wine indole, a substance formed as a result of the breakdown of tryptophan. Due to its origin, it is involved in many metabolic processes in both humans and plants. Depending on their concentration, they can have a wide range of odors, as it is present in feces, as well as in cooked broccoli, decomposing corpses, and some flowers. In low concentrations, its odor is typical of white flowers and jasmine, and in high concentrations, it is the smell of a corpse. Therefore, it is possible that these corpses had a low concentration of indole, which is why the incorruptible body smelled like flowers.
Not every incorruptible body can be holy.
The requirement of an incorruptible body for canonization was changed after the Catholic Church failed. There were people who deserved to be called saints for their actions, but their bodies decomposed normally. On the other hand, some whose actions were far from worthy of beatification remained incorrupt after death. This is the case, for example, Cardinal Schusteran obviously fascist Italian churchman and a great friend of dictator Benito Mussolini. As if to make it holy.
Putting aside the Church’s decisions and focusing on science, which is important to us, there are many reasons why a body may not decompose for years or even centuries. And there is nothing divine about it. It is simply science.
Source: Hiper Textual