A Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) Updated Protocols for the implementation, monitoring and explanation of breast prosthesesThe field in this update is not only new tips for medical workers. There are also talking about side effects that were known very little.

The creation of prostheses, as a rule, can be implemented for two reasons: Development of the chest after mastectomy wave Breast enlargement of mammoplasty. Although in both cases this is an aesthetic problem, and mammoplastics can also be made of discomfort or lack of self -esteem, which affects mental health, it is true that reconstruction after mastectomy is usually somewhat less “consumed”. In any case, it is important that medical workers inform all their patients, regardless of the reason for them to take into account Possible side effectsIncluding those that have just been included in the list.

Thus, also taking into account your Medical history, They can evaluate what real risk is in the implementation of breast prostheses.

Side effects that were already known

The new AEMPS report on breast prostheses includes adverse effects That they already knew each other before. In fact, some of them are typical of almost any surgical intervention: bruises, seroma (serum accumulation), infection, poor healing, allergies or intolerance to the materials used …

There may also be problems with capsule that the body itself produces around the prosthesis of the chest when it is placed. Usually this capsule is soft and does not cause discomfort. However, in some cases This can become tough and cause pain. We would be to the point of knowing how Capsule contractureThe field besides, after contracture Calcification This interferes with the diagnoses of mammography.

According to estimates, 10% of women receiving breast prostheses will have a capsular contracture in 10 years after the operation. Therefore, it is important that they expect symptoms, such as Pain or stiffness in the chestIf this happens, it will be necessary to treat it in such a way as to depend on the seriousness of the contracture. This can vary from pharmacological treatment to massage to some surgical interventions.

Another symptom that was already known Changing the sensitivity to the chestThe field is the most common is that this is reduced from the operations of operations that make the skin in some areas take a little. The most affected areas Llike areola and nipplesThe field in other less common cases can increase sensitivity. What guy, usually it Temporary side effect.

Another symptom that should be paid to is possible necrosis. Mamaris Prosthes can click on some blood vessels, Reducing blood flow of area and fabric necrosa. This is more common among smokers. Therefore, it is important that they take this into account before undergoing this type of operation.

Sometimes prostheses can be broken. You must be careful with blows. Credit: Philippe Spitalier (Unsplash)

In addition to possible symptoms of almost any implant, in the case of thoracic implants, this can also occur Galactorrhea When they stimulate the breast and with it – the production of milk.

Beware of strokes when you wear breast prostheses

A sharp wound or blow can cause Gap of breast prostheses. It can also be broken wearThe field therefore, again, attention should be paid to possible discomfort.

New side effects of breast prostheses

In the previous AEMPS review, published in 2021, the type of lymphoma was already included among the possible side effects of breast implants. In particular, there was talk about Anaplastic cell lymphoma.

This is a type There is no Hodgkin lymphoma It is quite rare that it can happen in any. It seems that these implants cause some predisposition, although in general this is rare. The positive part lies in the fact that when this lymphoma is given on the operation on the chest, it is a lot Less aggressive and with the best forecast that when he appears spontaneously or for other reasons.

The new AEMPS update tells about another cancer: Flat cell cancerThe field is neoplasia, whose appearance with the help of breast implants is extremely rare. Despite this, this was added to the report, because there were 40 cases in the world in which the relationship between the phenomenon and others is intuitive.

Usually appears Years after the placement of the implant, in capsule fabric, and it is believed that this is due to a certain Chronic inflammation If this type of cancer occurs, it is important to work and remove the implant. In addition, in some cases, additional treatment may be required.

If plane -cell cancer occurs, it is necessary to remove the prosthesis. Philip Spitting Credit (UNSPLASH)

On the other hand, it should be noted that between breast implants and Breast cancerThis was suspected by the field, but AEMPS recalls that there is no scientific evidence that it is.

What is scientific evidence Autoimmune/autoinflation syndrome caused by adjuvant (Asia)The adjuvanta field is usually substances that, together with others, enhance their effect. In medicine, they usually do not cause an antigenic or auto -united response. Simply put, the immune system does not attack them. Nevertheless, it was clear that people with autoimmune diseases or predisposed to them can provide a protective response with more or less serious side effects. For example, they can be Muscle pain and/or joint pain, chronic fatigue, sleep changes, urticaria, exam, edema, memory loss, weakness, lack of concentration and irritable intestine syndromeAmong others.

This can happen with vaccines, medicines, catheter and all kinds of prostheses. Cases with breast prostheses were also found, therefore, AEMPS decided to add this syndrome to their report. In addition, they warn that people with the history of autoimmune disease should think about it before receiving infants.

Finally, this new report includes Breast implant disease. There is no specific test for its detection, but there is enough evidence of cases when the symptoms began with the implant and disappeared with their removal. Among these symptoms are fatigue, joint pain, memory loss, skin and reconstruction. As we see, the symptoms are very similar to the symbols of Asia. Therefore, before any of them should seek medical care.

What should people want to breastfeed?

Aemps indicates in his report that “no Aesthetic intervention It is justified by the patient who does not correspond to the physical and mental conditions necessary for his minimum risk. Many of the people who resort to this type of intervention do this for simple aesthetics. Sometimes there is not even a real problem with self -esteem. They want to put breasts, they can pay it, and they do it. They are right, but it is important that they are well informed, what consequences can be. That is why AEMPS wanted to update the protocols in detail that should be followed in these cases.

Source: Hiper Textual

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