In rainy days, sometimes we have no choice but Take clothes Inside the house. We may have a dryer, but the reality is that not all clothing items are suitable for drying. Therefore, we all have such a typical folding rope for linen and the room of the house that is awarded to open it when necessary. Or, perhaps, a few ropes in the covered room. In any case, if we have clothes in the house, we must be careful, because it could be an embryo for something quite dangerous for health: Mushrooms.

The effect of moisture on the walls or roof of the house is well known. We all saw those who were afraid Black spots that form the shapeThe field is the most common that they go in kitchens or in bathrooms, as they are the most moist places of the house. However, if we usually hold clothes in another room, we can also improve that Moho appears in it.

He recently explained this in the article Talk Professor of Immunology at the University of Birmingham Rebecca DramondExplain the field in this study what the consequences of this mold on the walls are, and recommend that you be careful with places where we decided to hold clothes. Sometimes we have no other choice but to do it inside the house, but there are measures with which we can minimize risks.

Risk of mold in houses

There are many types of mold that can invade the roofs and walls of the house. The most common are genres Penicillium And AspergillusThe field although we do not have visible spots of mold on the walls, we are practically in contact with Disputes of these mushroomsSince they are quite common in the environment. Therefore, ours The immune system He is very well trained to fight them. This is good news, since when we are surrounded by a large number of disputes, usually our defense also knows how to fight them.

Nevertheless, people with respiratory problems or a weakened immune system can suffer from serious diseases or even death in the worst case. If the immune system cannot put an end to disputes, breathing problems may occur. Sometimes they come precisely from an excessive immune response. This is what is happening in Asthmatic patientsSince his immune system reacts an exaggerated manner to any threat to the immune system. This includes fungal disputes. Inflammation is a normal consequence of the response of the immune system. In normal conditions, this is not dangerous. But if there is an excessive answer inflammation It can be so cool that, again, it prevents the correct breathing of patients.

Finally, there are cases when the immune system cannot react so much that disputes can germinate in the lungs, causing a network of structures similar to the roots called Mitzelos.

When the mold accumulates, it can be very dangerous for some people. Credit: Jezavele Melgoza (Unsplash)

For all these patients who can suffer from the consequences of mold, there are some antimycotic drugs known as AzolsThe field is that many mushrooms have developed Resistance to antimicoticsIn the same way as antibiotic bacteria. Azols are used both in medicine and in agriculture. Plants can be attacked by mushrooms, so antifungal guilts turn to them, but this gives mushrooms more opportunities to learn how to evade this weapon, so when they infect people, the drug will not help.

For all this, for many years Treat pests In agriculture with other methods such as biological control.

How should we build clothes?

Even if we do not have health problems, it is important that we do our best so that the mushrooms do not multiply at home. This includes, first of all, maintaining Good ventilationIn the case of holding clothes, we must do this in a well -ventilated room. In winter it can be difficult to keep the windows open, so heating or one of those Window with heat. Thus, the air will not be so much moisture, and this will not condense on the walls, creating the perfect canvas for the propagation of mold.

On the other hand, if we have no choice, and dark spots have already appeared, it is important to do everything possible to clean them. Generally This is not enough to draw Since the mushrooms come out again. Sometimes this can be enough with a bleach, in other cases you even have to cut the wall. It would be necessary to hire an expert to decide how to act. But, as it is, this is the duty of the owner of the house, that the house is free from mold.

Open window
If we have no choice but to build clothes inside, ventilation is necessary. Credit: Katerina (Unsplash)

In fact, in the United Kingdom they have a specific law that requires the owners to quickly respond to the requirements of their tenants for mold. This determination was adopted after 2020 The child is only 2 years old From the form of a form that accumulated on the walls of his house. The child did not have previous pathologies, although logically at this age the immune system still had to grow up more.

At the moment, if these rainy days have no choice but to keep clothes in the house, open the windows or put heating. This is for your good and the one who surrounds you.

Source: Hiper Textual

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