*This text has been prepared based on scientific articles, information received from health institutions and organizations, hospitals and health professionals. If you or someone you know has any of the symptoms described here, our recommendation is to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

this monkey flower It was recently declared a public health emergency of international importance by the World Health Organization (WHO). In Brazil, there are currently about 700 confirmed cases of the disease, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health.

Information about the disease suggests that it is transmitted through close contact, and most of the time – until now. sexual intercourse.

This was the case in 95% of the infected people surveyed by an international co-research group that collected all symptoms presented by 528 people with the disease in 16 countries in April and June of this year.

According to the study, 98% of those infected were gay or bisexual men, 75% were white, and 41% were infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); the median age was 38 years. However, it is important to note that anyone can get the disease, regardless of the risk community.

And while sexual intimacy is the most likely route of transmission in most cases, the researchers stressed that the virus can be transmitted through any close physical contact with a carrier, such as large respiratory droplets, contact with clothing and other contaminated surfaces.

But after all, which monkeypox symptoms Were the researchers able to assemble after the study? See what they found below.

Symptoms of Monkeypox

Most of the infected persons analyzed were symptoms not initially recognized in medical definitions monkey flower. The mean incubation period – until the patient shows symptoms – was calculated as 7 days (range 3 to 20 days).

Joyful symptoms Those identified in the study include single genital lesions and sores in the mouth or anus, similar to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which can easily be misdiagnosed.

Before the typical rash of the disease, experts listed the common occurrence of:

  • fever (62% of cases);
  • lethargy (mental and physical fatigue reported in 41% of patients);
  • myalgia (muscle pain present in 31% of cases);
  • headache (27%);
  • swollen lymph nodes (reported in 56% of those diagnosed).

skin injuries:

HE symptom The most common form of the disease is skin lesions: it was observed in 95% of the people studied. The most common sites were: anal/genital area (73%); trunk, arms or legs (55%); percent (25%) and palms and soles (10%).

The lesions range from macular (spots), pustular (pussy), vesicular (bubbly) and crusty (crusted), also presenting several phases at once. Most patients (58%) had lesions described as vesiculopustular – with blisters and pus.

The picture shows examples of skin rashes caused by the monkeypox virus.

The number of lesions per infected varied, with the majority having less than 10 lesions. 54 people had only one genital ulcer. Mucosal lesions have been reported in 41% of people.

61 subjects had anal mucosa involvement associated with pain and inflammation of the anorectal mucosa, intense urge to defecate (tenesmus), and/or diarrhea.

Oropharyngeal symptoms:

A smaller proportion of those surveyed – 26 people – also symptoms oropharyngeal infections, including pharyngitis, pain on swallowing, bacterial infection of the epiglottis, and lesions of the mouth or tonsils. Three individuals also had conjunctival (eye) mucosal lesions.

Picture shows examples of wounds caused by monkey pox

Lesions remain active for up to 21 days after onset. symptoms. No deaths were reported among the patients studied.

Hospitalizations for monkeypox

Of the 528 study participants, only 70 (13%) required hospitalization; Reasons for hospitalization were varied, but the vast majority were for pain management—mainly due to severe anorectal pain (21 people).

Other referrals were for treating soft tissue superinfection (18 individuals); pharyngitis limiting oral intake (5 subjects) and infection control (13 subjects). A smaller proportion were hospitalized for treatment of eye injuries (2); acute kidney injury (2) and myocarditis (2).

So far, official data from WHO have reported five deaths as a result of the deaths. monkey flower in the world.

Monkeypox prevention

TecMundo has prepared a special content on disease prevention, which can be accessed here. Basic care includes hand hygiene with soap and water; practice safe sex using protection; Avoid contact with sick, dead or potentially infected animals, and avoid close contact with the infected person’s clothing or personal belongings when in contact with contaminated persons.

Prevention is also achieved through vaccination, which is not yet available to the entire population. Currently, in some countries, such as Canada and the United States, it is only available to healthcare professionals and people who have direct contact with patients and infected persons. Gay and bisexual men have priority to receive the immunizer.

Matter: NEJM – DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2207323.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I am Bret Jackson, a professional journalist and author for Gadget Onus, where I specialize in writing about the gaming industry. With over 6 years of experience in my field, I have built up an extensive portfolio that ranges from reviews to interviews with top figures within the industry. My work has been featured on various news sites, providing readers with insightful analysis regarding the current state of gaming culture.


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