Half would like to let you know that your news feed is coming soon Facebook And Instagram it will be dominated by content from people and companies that you don’t follow. Or rather, me content from strangers they will be even more common as it has been several months since algorithms have been prioritizing viral content, subtracting space from the content posted by your contacts.

And if you have subscribed to the two social networks to receive updates about the life of your friends or to follow the content of your favorite pages, then it does not matter, because the company has other plans for you.

Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company will “more than double” the amount of content recommended on Facebook and Instagram in the coming year. THE recommended content it is none other than the photos and (especially) the videos that the algorithms of the two social networks think you will like, based on your activities on the social network. This is content that by definition comes from areas of the social network that you have not yet visited. So posts from influencers and pages that you never liked, but that Meta thinks you like and above all that they can keep you with your eyes on the screen longer.

And the TikTok Model, the app of the Chinese ByteDance that has built its fortune thanks to an infinite news feed, capable of showing millions of content every day, selected according to the personality and taste of each individual user. A model that ensures that each user has a surgically modified news feed and that two users with different tastes never see the same things. This formula has allowed TikTok to climb the ranking of the most downloaded and used applications every day, completely conquering the so-called Gen Z. By now, TikTok is no longer just the application of children: it is used across the board by all generations. Instagram and Facebook certainly couldn’t watch. And that’s how we got to the current situation: Meta wants tiktokicize its social networks, hoping to replicate the success of the rival application.

The invasion of featured content is just the tip of the iceberg. Instagram is starting to focus less and less on photos, which means priority for videos. Obviously we are not talking about the extensive videos and several tens of minutes long, on a YouTube model, but about the disposable clips of up to 30 seconds. Just like the ones shared on TikTok.

Meta has no intention of stepping back: “Our artificial intelligence is able to identify content that people find interesting,” explains Zuckerberg. “This dramatically increases the quality of the feed and the time users spend on the application.”

Source: Lega Nerd

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