HE Komodo Dragon It is a powerful, powerful, large, fast and intelligent venomous carnivore – understandable to fear. However, attacks on humans are rare, and most importantly, it is impossible to find one of them circulating in Brazil.

scientific name Varanus komodoensisThey live on islands in Indonesia, including Komodo and others such as Flores, Gili Motang, Padar, and Rinca. For many years, the logistical difficulties of reaching these regions contributed to the formation of legends about these animals.

Curious? So, find out more about these creatures by reading!

After all, how to describe the Komodo Dragon?

The animal is the largest venomous reptile in the world, can reach 3 meters in length and weigh up to 10 kilograms. Even so, of all the heavenly places where it is impossible to find the creature, the Komodo archipelago is one of the most visited.

Because tourists from all over the world want to see one of these species in its natural environment. These predators are highly adapted to the environments they occupy.making them at the top of the food chain.

Among skill lists, Komodo dragons can run up to 20 km/h – for comparison purposes, American world record runner Usain Bolt has an average speed of 37.58 km/h. It’s incredible, isn’t it?

Despite their clumsy appearance, these reptiles can run quite fast (Source: Shutterstock)

They are also good swimmers. Komodo dragons have been found to dive to a depth of 4.5 meters. However, hunting habits involve more strategy than brute force.

In fact, they are smart enough to find traces used by their prey, waiting for the best moment to strike with a lethal bite.

What happens if a Komodo dragon bites a human?

Contrary to what many believe, the bite of Komodo dragons is relatively weak. What makes it dangerous is the combination of inverted teeth and a strong neck that can pull and tear large pieces of flesh.

However, if a person is caught with one of these lethal weapons, he will not die immediately. Large animals such as deer, horse, buffalo may be lucky enough to escape, but they will likely leave a trail of blood to follow.

This is where the super scent of these animals comes into play. they can Find a still alive prey up to 4 km away and they can follow him until he is too weak to fight.

Its bite isn't strong, but the Komodo dragon has teeth that can tear apart the flesh of other animals (Source: Shutterstock)

Besides the deadly bite, the rich bacterial community living in these animals’ mouths and the venom they produce ensure the death of the victim. This combination makes it difficult for blood to clot, causing a drop in blood pressure and immobility due to a toxin that causes hypersensitivity to pain.

But that’s not the point for us, because if we’re saved in time, the treatment of the remaining wound and the use of antibiotics can guarantee his survival.

While rare, attacks on humans can occur, often in zoos or other places where animals are exposed. Many take place on islands, including tourists who sometimes break safety rules.

Their islands in Asia are very touristy (Source: Shutterstock)

The relationship between humans and Komodo dragons is particularly sensitive on animal-populated islands. Wherever there is coexistence between us and large animals, it will inevitably lead to fatal accidents.

One problem is that human activity has decimated the population of these animals’ natural prey. This forces the reptiles to invade our territory in search of new prey.

This proximity increases the number of accidents and, accordingly, the dissatisfaction of the residents. they even kill lizards to defend themselves. And this[i que mora o perigo, uma vez que conflito vem reduzindo a população desses animais.

Acidentes podem acontecer, principalmente se pertubamos os bichos (Fonte: Shutterstock)

Atualmente, grandes répteis estão na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção da União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza. Se não fizermos nada para protegê-los, terão o mesmo destino que os dinossauros do passado, mas dessa vez por nossa culpa.

As adaptações ao ambiente onde vivem que os tornaram grandes predadores, agora dificultam sua conservação, porque geram dificuldades para sua criação em cativeiro.

Para proteger a espécie, o governo da Indonésia criou o Parque Nacional de Komodo. O ecoturismo proporciona sustento para as pessoas que habitam a região, ao mesmo tempo que promove a conservação dos mais de 5 mil dragões-de-komodo que ainda existem no parque.

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Source: Tec Mundo

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I am Bret Jackson, a professional journalist and author for Gadget Onus, where I specialize in writing about the gaming industry. With over 6 years of experience in my field, I have built up an extensive portfolio that ranges from reviews to interviews with top figures within the industry. My work has been featured on various news sites, providing readers with insightful analysis regarding the current state of gaming culture.


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