July 20, 1973 Bruce Lee, one of the greatest stars in martial arts history, has died at the age of 32. The official cause of his death is cerebral edema. However, given his excellent health and the difficulty in ascertaining what could have caused said swelling, there have been many conspiracy theories surrounding his death. However, now a group of scientists from Jimenez Diaz Foundation pointed out a new hypothesis, which is the most ironic. But the fact is that, in their opinion, the actor and karateka could die from drinking too much water.

Yes, a man famous for spreading philosophy”Be water my friend(“I know water, my friend”), could die precisely from drinking too much of that precious liquid that he metaphorically called us to become.

This is not a confirmed theory, but a hypothesis that is quite consistent with both what was found in opening as were some of Bruce Lee’s habits before his death. The truth is that, given the theories that have emerged, it may even seem too simple. But sometimes the answers are found precisely in that case, if you put aside the complexity.

The mysterious death of Bruce Lee

AT May 1973during dubbing, Bruce Lee started feeling dizzyso he went to the bathroom to freshen up. Seeing that it would take him a long time to return, some of his comrades ran to look for him and found him unconscious on the ground. He was rushed to the hospital where he was diagnosed cerebral edema treated with mannitol. He soon regained consciousness, and although it took him several days to fully recover, there were no consequences.

However, in the same month he underwent a full examination with very positive results. The doctors who treated him assured him that his body was equivalent to that of 18 year olddespite the fact that he was about 33. However, he was prescribed a drug that calms the brain activity to prevent the recurrence of another edema.

He no longer felt bad, so Bruce Lee resumed his normal life of filming and training. And that was just when he was planning another film, game of deathwhen it came to an end. He moved into the house of the actress Betty Ting Pei to discuss some of the finer points of the script. There he began to feel a sudden headache, so she gave him equalpain reliever, which aspirin and an anxiolytic called meprobamate. Shortly after the reception, the actor fell asleep, so his partner decided to let him rest.

Here’s how he pitched it to the producer Raymond Chowwhen he called to ask why Bruce Lee didn’t come to the dinner they had planned. She assured him that she preferred not to wake him. However, given his insistence, he went to the place where he was sleeping to wake him up. But he didn’t understand. I was in coma. He quickly called an ambulance, which took him to the hospital, where they tried to resuscitate him, but to no avail. A martial arts star has passed away.

Theories about Bruce Lee’s death

Bruce Lee had enemies, so there was no shortage of conspiracy theories about possible murder. However, most hypotheses actually point to health problems that could have led to this unexpected coma.

An autopsy showed that he was injured. edema even stronger than in May. In fact, his brain was so swollen that it almost didn’t fit in his skull. went from 1400 grams that this organ usually weighs on average, 1575 grams.

It was originally thought that this might be allergic reaction to any of Equagesic’s components. Possibly an anxiolytic. However, this hypothesis was rejected, since an allergic reaction would have gone much further than cerebral edema. It would also cause other symptoms such as swelling of the face and neck and shortness of breath. And the only witness, a few moments before his death, claimed that he had not seen anything like it. In addition, he was already unwell before taking the drug. That’s exactly why I took it.

It was later stated that he may have died from sudden deathderived from undiagnosed epilepsy. This may also explain the previous incident. Now, however, a group of Spanish scientists are pointing to something as strange as it is instructive: death from excess water.

Yana Sabet

Hyponatremia: when the kidneys can’t handle so much water

Hyponatremia is a disease characterized by too low a concentration of sodium in the blood. This can happen for many reasons, but one of the most common is that the patient is drinking. too much water. If this happens, the kidneys can’t keep up with filtering the blood, so the sodium is very dilute and therefore in very low concentration.

This can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache, seizures, confusion, and, in extreme cases, coma. Also, due to excess water, fluid can build up in the brain, causing it to swell and causing swelling similar to the one that killed Bruce Lee.

For this reason, the authors of the study, which has just been published in Clinical Renal Journal They suspect that this may have been the cause of his death. Now there is no evidence that he drank excessive amounts of water. It is known that shortly before the illness in the house of the actress smoked marijuana and drank water. But not an excessive amount.

However, it should be noted that there are people who have risk factors that reduce the amount of water from which it can be obtained. hyponatremia. And it was Bruce Lee who fulfilled several of these conditions.

To begin with, he held what is known as tea and toast diet. This is a diet consisting mainly of juices, infusions and other liquids that are already very thinning of the blood. In addition, he appears to have taken drugs aimed at reduce the amount of sodium in the bodybecause he thought it might be good for his muscles.

If you already drank a lot of fluids and started with a fairly low amount of sodium, you most likely had hyponatremia. Not too much water could provoke fatality.

Ultimately, Eastern philosophy encourages us flow like water, so as not to become them in the literal sense of excessive consumption. This could be the problem, which ended in the tragic death of the star.

Source: Hiper Textual

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