When we were in school, we were taught that Living being this is the one who is born, grows, reproduces and dies. Then it was added that they treat and feed. The truth is that this is a very general definition adapted to the age at which we learned it, because in fact it is something much more complex. But, if you stick with it, it’s no surprise that there are some rocks in Romania colloquially known as living stones. They do not cease to be something inert, but we can say that they are born, grow and multiply. Three out of six, does that mean they’re half alive?

Of course not. They are rocks. But they are very curious. So much so that even without numerous studies devoted to them, they attracted attention. geologists during the years.

Some of the mechanisms leading to behave how they do it makes them a mystery. But there are some that have already been discovered. From how they are born to how they grow. Of course, if you are planning to see them, do not rush to catch them. Red-handed. grow only a few centimeters every thousand years.

A very long history of the living rocks of Romania

One of the main characteristics of these breeds, known as trovanteshis heterogeneity. Although they are all spherical, with some irregularities, there are some that can weigh several grams and measure several millimeters, as well as be almost five meters in diameter and weigh several tons.

As for their origin, they are not entirely clear, which is why they have attracted the attention of scientists since the 18th century. Its strange appearance sowed many doubts, and people went so far as to claim that it was dinosaur eggs. It has also been suggested that they could be plant fossils or, to be more creative, alien pods.

However, over time, most geologists began to bet that in fact these are not rocks, but nodule cases. That is, mounds of material embedded in layers of limestone, sandstone, or shale rock. However, at the International Geological Congress held in Oslo in 2008, it was stated that they do not meet all the criteria to be considered as such.

Therefore, the only thing we can say is that they are rocks or rock compositions of unknown origin, possibly dating from 5.3 million years. They can only be found in the Romanian city expenses, in a very specific location. It was in a place that may have been a marine environment. In fact, some of these rocks contain fossils. bivalves and marine gastropods. But, returning to a curious fact about trovantes, why is it said that they appear to be alive?

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They are born, grow and multiply… but they don’t die.

Whether they are concretions or not, it is certain that these rocks are harder than the material that surrounds them. For this reason, when said material is destroyed, for example by the action of water, trovantes come out from inside and we can say that they are born.

Also, when it rains, water seeps into it, causing the rock to expand and grow. This happens very slowly, after a few 5 centimeters every 1200 yearsbut still it is something curious and unusual about the rocks.

However, it is even more curious that with this expansion, peculiar bubbles can form, which, having reached a certain size, they come off, forming new rocks. So in a way they multiply.

But no, they are not alive, this only makes them a very curious phenomenon. To then say that geology is not interesting.

Source: Hiper Textual

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