in 1982A Serial killer killed seven people USA cyanide poisoning tablets of the famous brand of paracetamol sold in pharmacies. The case was so disturbing that it even forced the drug company to radically change its packaging. However, despite the efforts made, the perpetrator was never found.

Case closed for 40 years. However, according to news reports CBS, it could have been rediscovered by the FBI for a simple reason. And the thing is, at that time DNA testing in forensics they were almost something out of science fiction.

Now they’re on the order of the day so they sampling from contaminated vialspossibly looking for traces of a serial killer. For this, samples were also taken from the descendants of some of the victims, as well as from people who bought the poisoned bottle; but, fortunately, they did not have time to use it. With their DNA out of the equation, they might find another trail to follow. A lot of time has passed, but it is never too late to restore justice.

Pharmacy serial killer

The first victim of a serial killer was 12 year old girlwho woke up one morning with a sore throat and discomfort. His parents decided to give him a pill Tylenol, brand paracetamol for sale in the United States. Soon after, the mother heard a knock in the bathroom and when she went to see what was happening, she found that the girl had passed out. Nothing could be done to save his life.

Shortly thereafter, a young postman a few miles away took another Tylenol pill to make his life easier. headache. The fate was the same as that of the girl. However, initially the cases were not related. In fact, when the young man’s brother and sister-in-law felt unwell at his funeral, they went to the same vial of pills as he did. Logically, they died too. These cases, and three others around the same time and in the same area, eventually led to speculation that Tylenol was behind the death.

For this reason, bottles leaving the factory were first analyzed and then sent to pharmacies. Nothing suspicious was found at the source. However, at the destination, yes, since several tablets in the pharmacy bottles were poisoned by cyanide. Obviously someone opened the banks and injected this toxic substance in tablets. It appeared to be a serial killer, but there was no single lead to anyone in particular.

Yes, there was a small breakthrough when, after the publication of the case in the media, the pharmaceutical company began to receive some suspicious emails. In them, a man who claimed to be a serial killer asked for a large sum of money in exchange for stopping the deaths. He didn’t seem too professional.because it was easy to find him by the traces left in the letters.

However, they soon saw that in reality it was all a farce. He asked to send money to the company, from which his wife had been fired shortly before, so he tried to substitute them for dismissal. There were no more leads, so the case was closed. Although measures have been taken to prevent something like this from happening again, the production of double-sealed bottles and even blisters like those in use today. If they were injected, the bladder containing the tablets would be crushed and the manipulation would be visible.

Brano (Unsplash)

Looking for DNA in Tylenol bottles

Linda Morgan he was one of those who bought bottles of poisoned Tylenol. Fortunately, when the news broke in mass mediahe hadn’t taken any pills yet, so he managed to save his life.

Forty years later the FBI requested DNA samples from his daughter, Laura Morgan. This is the one who contacted CBSwhere the news was released with suspicion that the case might be reopened. As of now, the FBI has not made any statements about this other than the fact that they want to destroy the DNA of innocent people who came into contact with the banks. This leads to the suspicion that they may be losing chips, as in Who is whowith the aim of search for the real serial killer. But they did not declare anything else.

What is clear is that, although in 1982 fingerprints DNA analysis is not possible in vials. This is so because the genetic fingerprints used to locate forensic suspects were not discovered until 1985. Nowadays, techniques are extremely advanced, and DNA can be isolated even from old and spoiled samples. So it’s not unusual for a serial killer to continue drinking Tylenol.

We don’t know anything else at the moment, so we’ll have to wait. Who knows? Perhaps this terrible and mysterious story is close to completion.

Source: Hiper Textual

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