A sandbox is a virtual machine that can execute code to simulate a virtual malware environment without affecting network resources or local applications.that is, it allows us to observe how it behaves in the event of a real attack through programs that look like viruses.

Cybersecurity experts use ‘Sandbox’ to execute code from unknown URLs and attachments and thus be able to detect their behavior.

According to the ‘Proofpoint’ portal, there are indications that the code is mapping itself, trying to establish a connection with a control server, downloading additional programs, encrypting private data.that the malware managed to access.

Developers use this environment to test and run code before full deployment.

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Many companies consider it not necessary to invest resources in tools like ‘Sandbox’, but It is very important to prevent ‘malware’ from entering your local networks and accessing sensitive and vulnerable information.

To know the real workings of the ‘Sandbox’, it is necessary to know what it is that needs to be analyzed. There may be different usage options, such as an environment for testing malicious content or codes for updating applications.

According to ‘Proofpoint’ some of the key functions of this environment are:

– Simulate a real device: It allows emulation of devices such as mobile phones or desktop computers, and the application to be analyzed must have access to all the resources to which the code is subject.

– Simulate an operating system: The application can access the operating system using media such as ‘Sandbox’.

– Virtual environment: Although the virtual machine mainly accesses physical resources, there are options for accessing virtualized hardware.

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Benefits of protected area
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Since ‘Sandbox’ is used to quarantine unknown and potentially risky emails or attachments, this helps prevent crashes in productivity apps like Microsoft Office and assess the risks mentioned above to determine the level of danger.


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Source: Exame

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