This Saturday, The Ministry of Health has published a new circular stating that as of today, seven new professions in the country must participate in the staff draw. Compulsory Social Service (SSO) and if you are selected, make this a requirement to get your professional card.


These careers in the field of health, referred to in the circular numbered 00022 dated 20223 and published by the Ministry of Health, are as follows: physiotherapy, nutrition and dietetics, speech therapy, optometry, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy and pharmaceutical chemistry.

It is important to remember that The Circular regulates the issues already established in Decision No. 774 of 2022, in which the Ministry of Health stated that it may call on new professions to provide SSO.


In this sense, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Health Providing Institutions (IPS), through this circular, physiotherapy, nutrition and dietetics, speech therapy, optometry, occupational therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy and pharmaceutical chemistry through the Compulsory Social Work method. So he asked IPS to call these professionals for the draw for TOA slots.

Finally, the Ministry’s regulations indicate that all departmental and district health secretariats have the responsibility to forward to the IPS the provisions of the 2023 circular No. 00022 within their jurisdiction.

GSO, also known as the ‘rural year’, is a task that must be completed in order for those who aim to become doctors as well as nurses, bacteriologists or dentists to obtain a professional card.

Since the vacancies in medical centers are less than the number of graduates, new graduates are subject to a lottery in which they are allocated a place or exempted. However, those who are determined to contribute voluntarily can do so and look for a position to work.


According to Law No. 1164 dated 2007; “Compulsory Social Service should be provided in organizations concerned with the provision of services, administration, administration and research in the field of health to depressed, urban or rural populations or those with difficult access to health services”.

These seven new professions, called by the Ministry of Health, will now have to participate by drawing a certain number of quotas every year and compulsorily assigning them to these professions.

Only the Ministry of Health is authorized to carry out the allocation of social service quotas in order to guarantee the principle of equality for registered professionals.

There is also an inclusion criterion that gives priority to seven specific circumstances in the selection of registered professionals: the Raizal population in the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina region, indigenous professionals, head of family, nursing mother, pregnant woman, victim of armed conflict and person with some form of disability.


In recent years, Dozens of complaints about the dangers of performing TOA in Colombia have emerged through social networks.

“Those in military service have more assurances than SSO professionals,” says Edgar Torres, an attorney who specializes in handling legal cases related to this issue and sees about four affected individuals a week.

His office received dozens of complaints: labor exploitation, inadequate payments, and even death threats; These show the abandonment of the State and the lack of safeguards for those forced to provide medical services.

Like the Advocate, the National Association of Medical Assistants and Interns is responsible for providing support to ensure the well-being of the ‘rural community’. “There are some municipal departments that respond to complaints, but the majority are those complicit in the violation of rights,” says its president Leonel Vega.


Source: Exame

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