Social networks are great.

They took us to a new scenario of exchange and socialization, proposed as a beneficial, innovative and productive ecosystem for people and companies.

But with the passage of time and the commercial and commercial pressures of the companies that created them, networks began to cross lines that should never be crossed.


Things got dark when the triangle and profile became a triangle and the aim was to identify the tastes, needs and therefore possible future decisions of each user, selling this information to third parties for advertising and marketing purposes. Worse still, they have started training their algorithms to achieve the core purpose of their business interests: keeping people captive, buried, scrolling, thumbs-up, watching and viewing videos, images, ‘posts’ for as long as possible. , to react, to get angry, to get excited and eventually to become depressed. According to a study of 1,172 people published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, There is a direct correlation between the time we spend on social networks and an increase in problems with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and low self-esteem. Instagram is one of the networks most relevant in this report: the life represented in its ecosystem, the perfection, the abundance, the delusion of extreme beauty, added to the factor of comparison, negatively impacts the mental health of people aged 18 to 35, predominantly according to the Scientific report.

It is clear that social networks are a reflection of who we are as human beings and as a society.

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With the good and, above all, the bad: hatred, polarization, spectacle, and false image. And it has become a “treasure” for the companies behind digital platforms and the desire to make money. It’s a disaster.

According to the measurements of the Ministry of ICT in Colombia, We Colombians spend more than 10 hours a day in front of a screen and the main activity is the consumption of social networks. especially among younger audiences.

In this scenario, polarizing content of a political nature is the most growing content, not only in Colombia but throughout Latin America, with over 40 percent of ‘tasks’ measured each year.

And this content that creates political division and hatred is the content that has the most active addiction among people.

And the controller? Not available. Reports and studies suggesting the removal of minors from networks like Instagram and TikTok are numerous and in-depth; It’s the youngest who experience it all most intensely: a negative, hateful, bullying or sarcastic comment can literally destroy them mentally if they don’t have a solid structure of values ​​and self-confidence.

Make? Regular.

Source: Exame

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