Minister Gustavo Petro ruled the de facto death of the controversial political reform project presented by his government.

“I believe that there is no progressive issue left in political reform. Without closed lists and zippers, that is, without equal seats for men and women, and without state funding of campaigns, reform does not contribute to progress. The quality of politics,” the president said on his Twitter account.

(You can read: Roy Barreras saves political reform at the last moment)

President Petro’s statement followed the Central Bank members. Historical Agreement The movement—the movement that gets the president to the presidency—issuing a statement asking the head of state to archive the ongoing political reform in Congress, which nearly collapsed this Wednesday.

In the text, they say, in the process of political reform that has been going on since last year, some benches have been introduced “mikos”, which demonstrates the party’s lack of political will to change its rules. game.”

(Other news: Irene Vélez in her reprimand: “It’s time to get over the importance”)

“It has also been shown how far the political and political class can go and what changes they are willing to make in order to sustain themselves. Today’s political reform text is completely different as it contains several provisions that are considered problematic.“, they reveal.

Representatives state that although there are positive things in the presentation, they disagree. The revolving door so that members of Congress can become ministers and, if they wish, return to the seat during the legislature.

They also say that they do not participate in the creation of unaccompanied, rotating and non-universal closed lists.

(We recommend: a dozen officials who bid farewell to the Petro government)

As a delegation, they state that they defend what they consider important, but argue that “they have a responsibility to make laws for the people and we cannot support a political reform that encourages, encourages and allows corruption before we stop it”. .

For these reasons, they asked Petro and the national government to file the project in order to prepare a new proposal.

Aura Saavedra

Source: Exame

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