A Brazilian court has decided to suspend the Telegram messaging service on the grounds that it was not delivered to the authorities. Data requested from neo-Nazi groups operating on the platform, the government and the judiciary were reported Wednesday.

The court accepted that “in the framework of the investigation (…) against Nazi and neo-Nazi groups operating in social networks, the network Telegram, which did not comply with the decisions, was fined one million reais in this case. “The temporary suspension of daily ($198,000) and activities,” said Brazilian Minister of Justice and Security, Flávio Dino, in a video released by his adviser.

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“There are groups called the Anti-Semitic Front and the Anti-Semitic Movement operating in these networks, and we know that this is the basis of violence against our children and youth,” Dino said, referring to the attacks. in Brazilian schools in recent months.

According to a document from the Federal Court of Espirito Santo (in southeastern Brazil), the Federal Police and prosecutor’s office they requested personal data of all members of the channels from Telegram “Brazilian Anti-Jewish Movement” and “Anti-Jewish Front”.

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Researchers found that a 16-year-old teenager Four people were shot dead and more than ten injured at two schools in Espirito Santo last NovemberAccording to the G1 news portal, he interacted with anti-Semitic groups on Telegram, citing police sources. According to the court document, the company “partially” complied with the authorities’ request by only providing the data of the manager of one of the two groups.

“Telegram has a clear intent not to cooperate with the ongoing investigation,” reads the Justice text. AFP sought comments from the company through channels on its website, but received no response. As the app continued to work early Wednesday night, some network users discussed possible ways to circumvent the blockade on public channels, according to AFP.

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Source: Exame

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