penultimate episode Walking Dead, which you can watch on Disney+, brings an agonizing death. One that, if true—and nothing seems to indicate otherwise—would shake the very foundations of the problem. Judith, as beloved as she is fragile, a symbol of painstaking and complex resistance to horror, has just been smitten by Pamela Milton. All against the background of the desperate look of Daryl, who once again faces a loss that he is unlikely to be able to cope with.

Or is it not about that? Chapter 23 Walking Dead he cruelly asks where his argument is leading at its inevitable end. Especially when the brutal murder of a beloved character central to the plot pushes the production into dark spots. Something that reinvents – almost unexpectedly – last season’s map. If so far the perception of the Commonwealth’s great enemy has been a claustrophobic type of evil, Judith’s death changes everything.

But not only because again Walking Dead plays a card to kill a person loved by the public to advance the plot. The confrontation with the Commonwealth again reminded that for production, the monsters are inside the security gates and occupy political positions.

The apocalypse has arrived, but this time not in the form of walkers, but in the form of Pamela Milton, who, with a gun in her hand, shoots at a sensitive element of the plot. Could Judith still be alive? The big question is repeated and linked to something more complex, artsy, and weird.

Watch The Walking Dead on Disney+

Maybe, but that doesn’t necessarily make the deaths that the Commonwealth caused and contributed to less severe. Children turned into cannon fodder, a fierce fight that reminded us that the season’s great confrontation Walking Dead He is not against zombies, but against a fanatical and cruel community.

Walking Dead

The severity of horror Walking Dead

Final season Walking Dead has a strange mission to unite the messy parts of all the universes and story levels. But, especially, pay tribute to one of its central themes: survival. This difficult and painful journey turned the eleventh part of the cult program into an awareness of its strengths.

Become the center point of an ever-expanding universe the end of production marks more than just a conclusion. Also, and in all likelihood, the feeling that his various derivatives, films, and future spin offthey will take from your argument.

A fact that was more than notorious in chapter 23 Walking Dead. Finally, opposition to the Commonwealth ceased to be an advertisement and turned into a cruel look at the need for survival. On the one hand, the series is the most edgy and rude episode. At the same time, most focused on the type of violence that the tension of the dispute has been building with a good pulse over the last two episodes.

Walking Dead

As if all of the above wasn’t enough Walking Dead seemed to be reminiscent of its horror nature. So much so that some of his episodes, especially those involving children, became very painful and confusing.

AT Walking Dead death can be anywhere

Walking Dead was never easy to digest, especially when raises the chiaroscuro of human nature. The battle against the Commonwealth – with Judith’s eventual death in tow – is also a harrowing journey to a vision of horror.

Which of its facets? During its eleventh season, the show has done its best to build its story elegantly and well. Daryl has regained his place as a tragic hero. Maggie has faced her hurts and managed to at least deal with all the suffering she brings with her in a valid way.

Walking Dead

Even Negan found a new point of maturity in the midst of a conflict that made it clear, as Eugene would say, that death is “inevitable.” The Commonwealth has become a symbol of horror and poorly built spaces. But especially in the terrifying look at what Walking Dead acts as a prerequisite. If for more than a decade the series focused on fear, then the last season – on cruelty.

Judith is dead? The series finale will have the last word. But something is striking and, no doubt, terrifying. The fact is that the center of this universe of surviving and hungry monsters has become a confusing look into the human darkness.

The death of a child is utter desperation, as Maggie proved in the previous chapter. Do you mean that the closure of production will eliminate any possibility of a buyout? One episode from the end, the answer still lies in a complex spot.

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Source: Hiper Textual
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