Series 1899, from Netflix, is surprised by the rethinking of the concept of time, space and memory to a whole new level. And to do this, moreover, with the help of a story, the effectiveness of which is based on the connection of many ideas that are interconnected in reality. But this assumes that the show needs to rethink its own understanding of what exists and what doesn’t. to support your premise.

Especially when you need to connect the idea of ​​the central narrative you are trying to show to something much bigger. In particular, the concept of what happens beyond the endless versions of the present that the plot shows as part of its narrative journey.

But what is even more difficult is to investigate the possibility of dubious facts being verified in a number of versions. Kerberos project, central point 1899, is focused on replaying memory until matching elements are created. And as if that weren’t enough, connect all the possibilities in incomplete perceptions that are connected in constant restarts. This means that when a character dies, what actually happens is that they are re-enabled into an alternate reality.

The appearance of time 1899

These multiple simulations turn into an endless loop based on the decisions of the characters. But since it is also a probabilistic system, it is ultimately tied to the obsessions of every mind that is simulated.

Thus, the Kerberos project extends the possibilities all versions of reality that one fact can represent. In turn, all cases where the same decision reflects the inability of the human mind to avoid making the same mistakes. In that case, what is the reality? Rather, what is the reality in 1899? Where does what happens outside of the simulation begin, and at what point does it end?

ship 1899

Reality, the final frontier

Series 1899 he answers the question with a scene from his last episode. In it he shows how Maura is disconnected from the machine that captivated her mind. inside the simulation. Which leads her straight to the room where some of the crew and passengers she met on Kerberos are located.

The location is inside a spaceship now owned by Project Prometheus. Several identical chambers can also be seen in the structure, which means that this is the starting place where the mind connects to the simulation.

Although the first version of the Kerberos project is identified with 1899, it actually takes place in 2099, two hundred years later. With which, moreover, Maura confirms that the project has grown from a handful of participants to more than two thousand. They all travel through deep space to an unknown destination, bringing new meaning to the series and its likely second season.

See all issues Andorone of the best series star Warsalready available in Disney+

Source: Hiper Textual
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