Part of James Cameron’s post regarding Avatar: Path of Water It was based on a question about the future of the franchise. The director, as part of his strategy, insisted that a significant amount of funds must be raised in order to be able to make three other films. In this sense, Sam Worthingtonplaying Jake, the protagonist of the production, made a sort of spoilers.

James Cameron’s argument is simple: you need Avatar: Path of Water have a good collection to support other projects economically. But it’s not just about money. The eventual success or failure at the box office is also a way of assessing how relevant or interesting the franchise is to current viewers.

Among Avatar, released in 2009 and Avatar 2: The Way of the Water, there is a significant amount of time. Between the two, there have been several significant changes in the entertainment industry, with streaming as one of the main ones. So, how bright can the continuation of this franchise be? Let’s see. However, from what Sam Worthington has commented, there is a hoax in James Cameron’s claims because the third would almost be filmed and there are already several recorded images of the fourth.

Avatar: Path of Water
and the future of the franchise

Sam Worthington stopped evening showheld Jimmy Fallon, you mentioned the future of the franchise, which consists of five productions over the next few years. For the actor, his role as Jake is more than relevant: this performance brought him a noticeable rise in fame, opening the doors to various projects.

Regarding avatar 3 D avatar 4said Sam Worthington during a media campaign Avatar: Path of Water:

We shot about 80, 90 percent (Avatar 3). I think we are still missing some scenes. Then (from Avatar 4) we filmed some scenes because the kids were getting older.”

This partly contradicts what James Cameron reported, who questioned the future of the narrative. The director’s words can also be understood as part of a strategy to reach out to cinemas at a time when streaming compete in entertainment. To the above, Sam Worthington added about the latest production:

“There are five in the saga, if we are lucky enough to get it. We are not so presumptuous as to assume that this will be achieved. We really hope so, because we love the franchise.“.

Avatar: Path of Water releases December 15 in theaters.

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Source: Hiper Textual
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