netlix announced the . at layoff of 150 employees and 26 freelance employees. The giant confirmed that the decision was made for purely financial reasons. In short, following the last disappointing quarter.

Most of the employees live in the United States of America, we have worked for many of them Tuduma fansite founded a few months ago with the aim of providing news, reports, interviews and insights into the universe of Netflix TV series, movies and documentaries.

Netflix is ​​in big trouble: during the last quarter announced the largest drop in membership of the past decade. The streaming giant has announced it will lose another 2 million subscribers in the coming months.

It’s a season of big changes for Netflix, which has lost more than 60% of its stock market value since the beginning of the year. The relaunch strategy is ambitious and involves a number of changes: to start with, Netflix wants to put a stop to the account sharing phenomenon. You will have to pay extra in the future to share the same bill with several people who do not belong to the same household.

Another initiative to regain lost subscribers is the launch of a new low-cost plan supported by ads. And then a new season of experimental and daring content: it seems that Netflix is ​​also looking to focus on live content. Will it be enough?

Source: Lega Nerd

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