Mermaid it is the last animated production to receive an adaptation live action from Disney. He joins other films such as The Lion King, aladdin or The jungle book own remake. And while it’s not yet clear if the film will be successful or not, and if it will have a sequel, many are wondering if it has a post-credits scene.

Usually studios use these episodes to show additional details or preview what we might see in the future, in the next movie, or as part of the cinematic universe. The last one is wrong Mermaidso the post-credits scene may very well anticipate a future sequel.

The trend we’ve seen has really stepped up in sci-fi cinema with Matrix Reloaded, post-credits scenes have become very popular in Marvel films. But is it Mermaid?

how many scenes after the credits Mermaid?

Mermaid It has no post-credits scenes. This continues the trend of other films being adaptations. live action animated films at home. So when the movie ends, you will definitely leave the theater without fear of missing out on anything else.

About whether to watch Mermaid, in our review, we highlight how faithful it is to the original animated film, the most released by Disney. But it is not entirely independent and does not add anything new to the story, making going to the cinema almost optional.

But it is also true that this is a beautiful story for children and a fun adventure for toddlers accompanied by their parents.

Mermaid released on May 26, 2023 in theaters worldwide.

Source: Hiper Textual

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