a new poll National Counseling Center for the magazine Semana shows that Gustavo Petro He would receive 44.9 percent of the vote against 41 percent in the second presidential round. Rodolfo Hernandez.

The survey, which was consulted with 2,172 citizens in 50 municipalities in the country between 31 May and 2 June 2022, reveals that 9.4% of the respondents did not define their vote (don’t know-unanswer), while 3% would vote. space. 1.7% said they would not vote for any candidate.

The sample error margin is 2.1%.


This is another CNC poll for the CM&news program, which showed a technical connection, but placed Hernández with 41% of the vote and Petro with 39%. In this example, 1,200 people were consulted by telephone.

Additionally, a watch-type poll from FM put Hernández at 50.4%, above Gustavo Petro’s 45.6%.

A measurement by polling firm GAD3 for RCN placed Rodolfo Hernández with 52.3% intent and Gustavo Petro with 45.1%.


PERFORMER OR LEGAL PERSON: Centro Nacional de Consultoría SA
Trustee, natural or legal person: Revista Semana
FINANCE SOURCE: Semana Magazine
THE UNIVERSE UNDER WORKING: Men and women over the age of 18 residing in Colombian municipalities and wishing to vote in the next presidential election. As a statistical stratification mechanism, 6 geographical regions were established as follows: (1) Antioquia + Coffee Region: Antioquia, Caldas, Quindío and Risaralda; (2) Bogota: Bogota DC; (3) Caribbean: Atlantic, Bolivar, Cesar, Córdoba, La Guajira, Magdalena, Sucre, San Andrés and Providencia; (4) Middle East: Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Norte de Santander, Santander, Arauca and Casanare; (5) Central South: Huila, Tolima, Meta, Caquetá, and Putumayo, and (6) Pacific: Cauca, Chocó, Nariño, and Valle del Cauca.

SAMPLING DESIGN: Sampling design is probabilistic, has four stages and is stratified with the selection of simple random samples of statistical units at each stage.

In the initial sampling phase, a selection of municipalities was made in each geographic region (statistical stratum), considering Bogota, Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Bucaramanga, Ibagué and Cúcuta as mandatory inclusion municipalities in the sampling; a random selection of some of the rest of the municipalities in the universe studied was carried out; a total of 42 municipalities.

In the second stage, a random cartographic block selection was carried out within the municipalities with the studies made from the National Geostatistics Framework (sampling frame in the research). In the third stage, households in the selected cartographic blocks (4 households were selected in each block) and in the last stage an adult was selected from the household. The selection of statistical units was operationalized by an algorithm called “negative coordinates”.

The sampling framework used is the National Geostatistics Framework provided by DANE. The sampling frame is the device that allows the organization of field operation and provides a guarantee that its implementation complies with the methodological guidelines established for research. The minimum geographical unit containing this framework is the cartographic block in the capitals of Colombian municipalities.

SAMPLE SIZE: 2,172 cases in 50 municipalities from all regions of Colombia, namely: Antioquia + Coffee Region: Medellín, Bello, Rionegro, Jardín, Segovia, Manizales, Pácora, Viterbo, Armenia, La Tebaida; Bogota: Bogota DC; Caribbean: Barranquilla, Manatí, Soledad, Cartagena, Agustín Codazzi, Monteria, Chinú, Barrancas, El Banco, Sincelejo, Sampués; Middle East: Tunja, Chiquinquirá, Tauramena, Madrid, Soacha, La Palma, Tabio, Cúcuta, Ocaña, Bucaramanga, Floridablanca, Lebrija; Centrosur: Florencia, Neiva, Pitalito, Acacias, Puerto Gaitan, Ibagué, Melgar, Natagaima; Pacific: Popayán, Santander de Quilichao, Miranda, Pasto, Cali, Palmira, Guacarí, Bolivar.

MARGIN OF ERROR AND CONFIDENCE LEVEL: 2.1% and 95% confidence sampling error.

APPLICATIONS: Intention to vote for the presidential candidates in the second election round of 2022.

ASKED QUESTIONS: 1 question. Please see the survey for more details.

FIELD STUDY PERIOD: 31 May – 2 June 2022 COLLECTION TECHNIQUE: Face-to-face survey in households.

Source: Exame

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