The Novena of Strenna is, as the name suggests, a prayer prayed. For nine days from December 16 to 24As an act of commemoration of the months before the birth of Jesus.
This is a traditional Catholic celebration of Colombia where sharing with family and rejoicing in receiving the savior. Below we tell you On day 1, pray the novena step by step.
(Also: First day of the Christmas novena, French version).
The first thing you should do is cross yourself by saying: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Good God, infinitely merciful, who loved men so much that you gave them the most beautiful word of love in your Son, that you created man in the womb of a virgin, to be born in a manger for our health and relief. .
On behalf of all mortals, we thank you immensely.
such a sovereign benefit. In return we offer you the poverty, humility and other virtues of your humanized Son, we implore you for his divine virtues, for the hardships with which he was born and with which he was born. For the tender tears she shed in the manger,
Purify our hearts with deep humility, with burning love, with complete contempt for everything worldly, so that the newborn Jesus may have in them his cradle and live forever. Amine.
Give thanks to the Father three times.
(Continue reading: Powerful prayer to St. Cyprian to protect yourself from black magic and curses).
He sent them to say to the Lord: Are you the one who is to come, or should we wait for someone else? …and he answered them, Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and good news is preached to the poor (Lk 7, 19.22).
At Christmas, we commemorate the fulfillment of divine prophecies and the birth of the Messiah in our land, which has been awaited for centuries. This is the time when we celebrate the mystery of the incarnation, when the highest God became man.
He becomes so close that we can think of him as one of us, in solidarity with our humanity in every respect, in solidarity with our joys, hopes, sorrows and sufferings.
We discover God in the poverty of the manger and the frailty of a child on the doorstep of Bethlehem. That is why the celebration of Christmas always invites us to know and serve Jesus in the weak, the marginalized, and the defenseless of our world: the sick, the poor, the immigrants, the unemployed, and those currently dying from the violence in our world.
(Also: This is the powerful prayer used to ask for favors from the Virgin of the Miraculous Medal).
Sovereign Mary, because of your great virtues and especially your humility, you deserved to have a true God choose you as his mother. I implore you to prepare and dispose of my soul and the soul of everyone who performs this novena at this time for the birth of your lovely Son.
O sweet Mother, tell me something of the deep memories and divine tenderness with which you pleased him, so as to make us less worthy to see him, to love him, and to adore him forever. Amine.
The Hail Mary is prayed three times.
(Continue reading: Pray to St. Lucia to ask for health and purity of vision).
Most Holy Saint Joseph, husband of Mary and stepfather of the Lord, you have been chosen to act as father in the house of Nazareth. Help parents; Following your example, may they always be the image of the heavenly father in their homes; That they fully fulfill the great responsibility of educating and educating their children and give them the best by making constant efforts.
It helps children understand and appreciate their parents’ devoted efforts. St. Joseph, the model of husbands and fathers, intercedes for us. Amine.Pray to our father.
O sweetest Child Jesus! Remember these words that you said to the venerable Margaret of the Blessed Sacrament and in her person to all your devotees, words that were so consoling to our poor, overwhelmed and suffering humanity: “Whatever you want to ask, ask for the virtues of my childhood, nothing will be withheld from you.”
O Jesus, we come to tell you all our sufferings with our trust in you, who are the same truth.
(Also: rosary to the Virgin of Guadalupe: powerful prayer used to request miracles)
Help us to live a holy life and reach a blessed eternity.
Through the infinite merits of your incarnation and childhood, grant us the grace we so need. We dedicate ourselves to you, O almighty Child! We are sure that you will not disappoint our hope and that, thanks to your divine promise, you will accept our prayers and convey them in a positive way. Amine.Praise be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is prayed three times
(Continue reading: How to ask St. Jude Thaddeus for a miracle through prayer).
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Source: Exame

I am Bret Jackson, a professional journalist and author for Gadget Onus, where I specialize in writing about the gaming industry. With over 6 years of experience in my field, I have built up an extensive portfolio that ranges from reviews to interviews with top figures within the industry. My work has been featured on various news sites, providing readers with insightful analysis regarding the current state of gaming culture.