The Callisto protocol is inspired by video games and horror movies, as well as a scenes of real violence This was revealed by Striking Distance Studios chief creative officer Chris Stone during an interview.

Stone has revealed that one of the major game influences aside from Dead Space is: silent hill and Resident Evil. The developer also pointed out that the team was also inspired by movies belonging to the horror genre, such as The thing by John Carpenter e Point of no return by Paul WS Anderson, finally adding that The Callisto Protocol was also inspired by the blood and horror of real life.

We found we were looking real horror and blood episodesSteen said. “While these were much less fun materials to analyze, they proved very valuable in allowing us to recreate realistic experiences and scenes.

In short, it seems that Striking Distance Studios wants to stage a realistic depiction of horror to generate truly unforgettable fears.

We remind you that the Callisto protocol: history by Jacob Lee struggles with the exploration of the maximum security prison on Callisto, Jupiter’s second largest moon, which contains unspeakable horrors. In the game we will be able to fight against both by using weapons that by melee attacks In addition, Jacob, the main character, will also be able to rely on some “GRP” skill with which he can draw objects to move them and solve small puzzles.

The Callisto is available from Dec 2, 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series S/X.

  • “Real-life” horror and gore inspires The Callisto Protocol (

Source: Lega Nerd

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