The Callisto Protocol It was one of the most interesting releases of 2022 in the world of video games. The title Striking Distance Studios is a spiritual successor of sorts Dead spacewhich is not surprising, given the involvement of the latter’s creator Glen Schofield in the project. And now you can Download it absolutely free from the Epic Games Store.

For a limited time, the Epic Games Store is offering The Callisto Protocol as one of the games you can download to your computer without spending a dime. But hurry up, because the offer is available. until 12:00 noon next Thursday, August 29.After the deadline, the game will be offered again for $34.99.

Please note that the opportunity to get free The Callisto Protocol The Epic Games Store only features the base version of the video game. The Digital Deluxe Edition, which includes skins The main character and weapons, as well as the season pass, are still paid and are obtained in exchange for $44.99.

This is a great option for those who were unable to play. The Callisto Protocol when it was released in late 2022. Either because they couldn’t buy it, or because they didn’t find it interesting enough to pay for it. Striking Distance Studios’ game is a very attractive proposition for those who like survival horror third person with a camera on the shoulder.

The Callisto Protocol The game is available for free on the Epic Games Store.

The Callisto Protocol puts players in their place Jacob Leea pilot who is sent to the Dark Iron Prison, a maximum security prison on Jupiter’s moon Callisto. The protagonist discovers that the other prisoners are becoming biophagestruly terrifying creatures that you will have to run from. But finding a way out of this nightmarish place is not the only goal: you also need to figure out what causes these mutations.

When we analyze The Callisto Protocol We tell you that it stands out for its excellent atmosphere and sound. The latter is a fundamental element of both the production and the gameplay. One of the most attractive aspects of the game is that it allows you to fight monsters hand-to-hand thanks to a very well-made control system.

Of course, the proposal is not perfect. The inability to skip cutscenes and the lack of a quick save system are two of our biggest criticisms. The Callisto Protocol. Except, Low replay value is another aspect that brought down the overall score.If the latter put you off buying the game at the time, now that you can get it for free on the Epic Games Store, it’s probably a good time to give it a try.

In addition to The Callisto ProtocolThis week you can get it for free Gigantic: Rampage Edition. And next time, the Epic Games Store has already confirmed another great offer that will be available without having to spend a dollar: Fallout Classic CollectionThis package will include fall out, Fallout 2 And Fallout Tactics and will be available for free from August 29 to September 5.

Source: Hiper Textual

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I am Bret Jackson, a professional journalist and author for Gadget Onus, where I specialize in writing about the gaming industry. With over 6 years of experience in my field, I have built up an extensive portfolio that ranges from reviews to interviews with top figures within the industry. My work has been featured on various news sites, providing readers with insightful analysis regarding the current state of gaming culture.


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