this Federal Government Electronic Signature allows you to print or sign digital documents without spending money. Can be verified directly on the website Gov.BRWith an authentication link without the need to complete the entire process of signing and scanning a printed document.

Today TecMundo teaches you how to create and use the free electronic signature of the Gov.BR portal. Payment!

How to create free electronic signature Gov Br?

1. Access the Electronic Signature portal on the official Gov.Br website;

2. Log in to your account on the portal;

3. Then the site will ask for authorization to use some of your saved data, such as full name, address, CPF, among others;

4. Next, if your level on the site is Bronze, you need to upgrade to Silver or Gold before you can access the digital signature. In this example we will switch to the Silver level;

5. There are three ways to progress to this level, these are:

  • siege – If you are a federal server, simply verify your data on the portal;
  • senator – Perform facial recognition through the Gov.BR app to compare with your image registered on your CNH;
  • banks – Verify with a banking institution where you have an account.

You can choose one of three ways to get to the silver level.

6. Now use one of the verification tools to level up and use the digital signature on your documents.

How to use free electronic signature Gov Br?

1. After changing your level to Silver or Gold, access the Electronic Signature portal on the official Gov.Br website;

2. Then select the file where you want to add the signature;

Select the document or drag it into the dotted area

3. The next screen will show a preview of the document. Check if everything is ok and press “Next”;

Check if everything is ok after the document is loaded

4. Next, you will need to show where the signature will be inserted in the document. Place it in the right place and click “Next” once again;

Place your signature on the document

5. On the next screen, select your subscription provider, in this case Gov.BR;

6. A verification will be made on your registration. It can be done in the Gov.BR app directly via SMS or message;

7. After verifying your data, signature will appear on your document. Check once again that everything is ok and click “Download” to download the signed file;

After authentication, the signature will be added to the document.

8. Ready, now you can share electronic signed document with validator on Gov.BR website.

Now that you know how to use the signature, repeat the procedure for all documents that require verification. It is worth remembering that the same signature is not valid if it is printed only in the digital version of the document.

Source: Tec Mundo

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