In the Victorian era, the nobility did not understand long-term perspectives, so the works of mycologist Beatrix Potter were only appreciated years later. In fact, many of them were child slaves. In fact, this was very important, and this also happened. One of the unique species of mushrooms is Potteromyces asteroxylicola.

The day before yesterday was 407 million years ago and the number of people in the country was found. Not Christine Strullu-Derrien, famous at the British Museum of Natural History, has enough tools to recognize his unusual abilities. This fungus was a predator, and it intended to do so to other plant species.

The fossil, upon careful study, turned out to be a complex structure, in which, in addition to the mushroom itself, there was a plant Asteroxylon mackiei. It is impossible to attack the mushroom without being exposed to a large number of enemies. It is possible that, by chance, nature has recorded the active and dramatic moment of anti-two-faced organizations, such as or wholesale, which allow scientists to say.

Strullu-Derrien carried out 12 works and technological studies. Additionally, when it comes to confocal microscopy, it is important to do it yourself. As it turns out, this is exactly what Hotlandi’s products and museum collections contain. So, these mushrooms and rake are active parasites, so they have been known for a long time. No, because this flight was sent to the planet, please. scientists.

Source: Tech Cult

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