In 2020, Google added a feature to identify businesses created by blacks in the United States; therefore, when searching or searching on Maps, a message appears showing support to the community. Now, Google is running a similar strategy, but Highlight companies created by humans LGBTI+.

Google’s new measure will be held in the United States and is coming to the memorial service. LGBTQIA pride month+ takes place worldwide in June. Like this Sellers will be able to add an LGBTQ+ badge displayed in Google searches or Maps.

The ID badge joins other options available at Google, such as properties owned by war veterans, women, blacks, Latinos, and now LGBTQ+ audiences. This way, researchers can more easily find and support these businesses.

LGBTQ+ community

It is also possible to use different badges within the same business, for example, a black and Latino woman from the LGBTQ+ community can use all of these identities on their Google profile.

Worldwide, there are thousands of different companies registered with Google, and the new initiative allows users to identify their companies as part of the LGBTQ+ community. It is worth remembering that the process of saving and updating information in Brazil has already been tested with Google Duplex.

Source: Tec Mundo

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