WhatsApp started testing a new interface for voice calls this Thursday (28). The revamped view aims to add more emphasis to the chosen call format, as well as adding a shortcut to add more people to the chat and confirm to the user that the conversation is protected with end-to-end encryption.

Published by WABetaInfoThe new WhatsApp call screen is very similar to the previous model, but it makes navigation more convenient thanks to new shortcuts.

A button to minimize the conversation and browse mobile has been added to the top left corner, and a button to add more people to the conversation has been added to the top right corner.

There is also a reminder at the top of the screen that the conversation is protected with end-to-end encryption. All WhatsApp real-time calls are encrypted by default, but having the feature on-screen reinforces that the chat can only be heard by the recipient.

The new search screen design does not change the search experience or add new features, but it does improve the end user experience. Shortcuts make it easier to access useful messaging functions, as well as highlighting the options available for that call.

WhatsApp is being tested in Beta

According to WABetaInfo, the new feature has been included in version of WhatsApp Beta for Android. The feature is rolled out to testers in phases.

Since this is an empirical function, No predictions for exact release. Since it’s probably a minor change, it won’t take long to reach the general audience.

Source: Tec Mundo

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