NotColeading company in the use of technology for development food, released his own documentary. The Chilean company produced “Not Turtle“, a film that shows how he created the first dish of the endangered animal, green sea turtles, without the animal, using his cutting-edge technology.

NotTurtle is the story of how our AI and team created the first dish to help save endangered animals.

To do this, the national company hired a famous Peruvian chef of international level. Diego Ocato share your experience and help prepare the soup Not Turtle, whose production and research process is the soul of the documentary. Thanks to GiuseppeNotCo’s patented artificial intelligence was able to analyze thousands of plant species at the molecular level, introducing a delicious recipe similar to the original soup, but made entirely from vegetables and without turtle meat.

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“We have a powerful AI platform that can help solve long-standing problems that transcend industry boundaries. If Giuseppe can reproduce green sea turtle soup in just two weeks, we will not only provide an alternative to an endangered species, but we will be able to say to the world, “Imagine what else we can do with our technology.” “We saw an opportunity to test our AI and are more than pleased with the results.”said Matthias MuchnikCEO and co-founder of NotCo.

What follows is a short film that can be viewed on the company’s YouTube channel. Bernardo MoltedoAI culinary specialist, head of NotCo and Oka in places like Cayman islandsNotCo offices in San Francisco (USA) and the city Piura (Peru)to demonstrate the potential of Giuseppe’s skills, create a recipe and teach the locals of Peru how to prepare turtle soup without harming the animals, preserving the cultural heritage that this dish carries for several rural communities in the said country.

Endangered turtles

Image used with permission of the copyright holder

Over the past ten years, the number of green sea turtles worldwide has plummeted to 85,000, becoming part of the endangered species list. While climate change and habitat loss have contributed to its extinction, another important factor has been the continued consumption of this traditional dish.

In an effort to protect them, governments around the world have banned their hunting. However, in countries such as Peru, Ecuador and Mexico, this dish is considered an ancient traditional delicacy and an important part of the culture of these territories.

With this in mind, NotCo, a global technology company that has revolutionized the food industry, together with its patented artificial intelligence “Giuseppe”, was looking for a solution designed to quickly and accurately solve any innovative problem. Over the years, the company has strived to change the paradigm of traditional nutrition, creating plant-based products and providing superior gastronomic experiences. The turtle soup is intended to be a new demonstration of the Chilean firm’s ability to produce food in record time and, in doing so, contribute to the problem of hunting sea turtles.

Today many people are afraid of AI– Diego Oca said. “But it’s an amazing way to show that when people and technology come together, we can solve any problem. NotCo’s artificial intelligence technology has significantly reduced research and development time. With such speed and efficiency, the possibilities are endless.“he added.

In addition, NotCo will host an online public class to show other local professionals how to make this delicious soup and encourage the consumption of plant-based foods over animal products.

For more information about the documentary and NotTurtle, visit

Source: Digital Trends

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I am Garth Carter and I work at Gadget Onus. I have specialized in writing for the Hot News section, focusing on topics that are trending and highly relevant to readers. My passion is to present news stories accurately, in an engaging manner that captures the attention of my audience.


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