According to French television channel TF1, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested after leaving a private plane at Le Bourget airport on the evening of August 24. The businessman is expected to appear in court in the near future, where he will face charges, including terrorism.
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The reason for the arrest was allegedly the lack of moderation in Telegram, as well as the possibility of registering with a temporary number, and the appearance of cryptocurrencies within the application.
These possibilities make Durov an accomplice to drug trafficking, paedophilia and fraud, according to French sources. The founder of Telegram also failed to cooperate with law enforcement.
On Sunday, Durov could be charged with charges including terrorism and could face up to 20 years in prison. The arrest of the Telegram founder was also reported by the LCI television channel.
The Toncoin cryptocurrency exchange rate fell by 15% after the news of Pavel Durov’s arrest in France, RBC writes.
On August 20, the Baza Telegram channel reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to meet with Durov in Baku.
Ekaterina Strukova
Source: RB
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