While some people have managed to bypass the Windows Recall feature, Microsoft confirms that this is simply a bug. In a statement posted to its website thresholdThe company states that it will not be possible to remove or uninstall the function, which will begin its testing phase in October.

The removal loophole was discovered by website Deskmodder, which allowed Recall to be removed via the Turn Windows Features On or Off function in Control Panel. However, a Microsoft expert confirmed that the option was a bug in the operating system and not a definitive one.

Brandon LeBlanc, Devin’s senior product manager, told the website that this option will be fixed immediately in the next Windows update.

This news will disappoint many Windows users who wanted to remove Recall from the platform, but it doesn’t seem likely that this will happen anytime soon.

Target of criticism and concerns

Announced a few months ago, Recall is a Windows function that basically takes screenshots of all the activities performed on the computer. This way, the user can use a sort of timeline to remember everything that was typed, searched or spoken on the machine.

The tool has been heavily criticized by security experts, who say it lacks any security protocols or data encryption, which could make information a target for cyberattacks.

The Recall debate also involves privacy issues between Microsoft and the user, but the company seems keen to test and launch the functionality on laptops with the Copilot+ seal in the near future.

Source: Tec Mundo

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