The heating company “Vatajankoski” in the suburbs of hensinki has started the espatation of a new one. It uses ordinary sand as a substance that cleans debris. It’s covered in rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr d d d i i i i i i i

The idea is that the conversion of energy from any energy source into heat is very simple, but the future thermal energy is converted into power for transmission to consumers is much more difficult. So Polar Night Energy’s engineers are aiming for the middle – they heat the sand up to 500-600℃ and leave it warm inside a highly insulated tank. After some time, ordinary water circulates in the pipes for heating from heat.

Hot water is supplied to the village’s heating system to heat various buildings in the cold Finnish winter, which makes it possible to find use for spare energy without converting it into electricity. Vatajankoski already has a successful track record of extracting heat from the data center to heat this water, so they just added another circuit to the system. The company claims a 99% sandy recovery and replacement of the energy reserves without loss of HP

And the sandy accumulation of heat has a huge advantage over liquid analogues – the substance inside the stW. This makes it possible to build such an architecture, when different layers of sand will be rapidly heated, and pipes for various purposes will pass through them. It is not always necessary to rely on income from ktok or steam, etc. All this creates a convenient scalable source of energy for a residential building with kilowatt hour.

Source: Tech Cult

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