Telegram channel owners earned about 1.7 billion rubles in 2024 using the Yandex advertising network (YAN), the company told Forbes. The number of YAN partners has increased to 10 thousand, including channels with an audience of 1.5 thousand to 1.8 million subscribers.
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According to Yandex, in total about 18 thousand advertisers used advertising on Telegram in four countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The largest budgets were invested in promoting companies in the “Real Estate”, “Automobile” and “Education” categories.
Yandex began testing an advertising tool on Telegram in July 2023. The full launch took place in July 2024. An ad placed using YAN is designed as a regular post with an image and a link, its topics are selected by the networks Yandex neural networks and the publication is made by a special bot and is marked in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation.
The channel owner can control the advertising frequency and publishing time. At the same time, up to three advertising posts can be published per day with non-advertising content between them. “This helps maintain subscriber loyalty and advertising effectiveness,” Yandex explained.
“As a media and advertising platform, Telegram is only at the beginning of its development path. <...> We can clearly assess the potential of Telegram growing; “It has a young, very dynamic and technologically advanced audience,” AD2X managing partner Vitaly Gerko told Forbes. According to the expert, 1.7 billion rubles “is not a bad result”, considering that Yandex has competitors working with the Telegram audience, including the MTS Ads marketing platform.
Mikhail Zelenin
Source: RB

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