Possibility to add case voice messages could be one of the next big WhatsApp news. As reported by, the popular messenger tool should start testing soon. WABetaInfo this Wednesday (13).
The feature details were found by posting in the latest update at . beta version of the program for androidindicates that it could be released for testers in the near future. Currently, the function is still under development and is not available to any users.
As shown in the shared image (see below), the app’s “Status” tab includes new features including the microphone icon that appears among other content format options to add to the account – text, photos and videos. According to the website, tapping the button will allow sound recording for the situation.
As with other formats, sound status it will only be shared with the people the user chooses when changing the privacy settings of the app. These voice memos will also have the protection offered by WhatsApp end-to-end encryption.
Message duration
Will only a few seconds of short notes be allowed to be recorded, or will users be free to record a few minutes of audio to post their updates? It is not clear how long it will take at this time voice messages to whatsapp statushowever, it is estimated that they will be limited due to the features of the vehicle.
For now, the proof of function is only WhatsApp Beta for Android It should be made available for testing program members in one of the next updates, but there is no information on when it will reach beta for iOS and other platforms or the general public.
Source: Tec Mundo