Alexa, what time is it? Silence. Alexa, what time is it?! Never. Sometimes voice assistants like Alexa or Siri they seem to have their own life. It seems that sometimes they are bad with us and decide to remain silent. Come on, no matter how much you ask him for anything, he will not listen to you. Or worse, he will tell you that he didn’t understand you or that you are reordering. This is one of the most common Alexa issues, but it shouldn’t happen to you often.
Moreover, if it happens, then sometimes. But if it happens to you very often, then it’s time to spend some time with Alexa and see what’s behind this silence or this wayward attitude. Your Echo device may not be where it should be. or that there are many noise around you. Or you just need to teach Alexa to recognize your voice.
Let’s see what they can be causes of these problems with Alexa and how to solve them. It’s normal that Alexa hears you and understands perfectly, at a certain distance between where you are and where your Amazon Voice Assistant-enabled device is. But everything has a solution.
Solving problems with Alexa
Let’s start with general solutions what Amazon gives us in its official help. They are usually common when some device stops working properly. Whether it’s a smart speaker, TV or refrigerator. This is a list of solutions to solve any problem related to your smart speaker or compatible device.
- Use Power adapter that came with the device.
- Make sure it works Internet connection.
- Make sure the device is not disabled. you know because indicator red.
- click on the button Action on your Echo device to see if Alexa is responding.
- Disconnect the device and reconnect it.
In addition to these tips, Amazon offers more specific solutions. Some are obvious, like the conversation with Alexa. clear and natural. Although this is a very subjective thing. Good advice: if he doesn’t understand you at first, rephrase the question. You can also try asking Alexa if he heard you see if he answers.
Lots of noise around?
If Alexa’s problem understanding you is due to noise in the area where you placed your device or speaker, you can check this by looking at alexa voice story. In the Alexa app, available for iPhone and Android, you need to go to the dropdown More > Settings > Alexa Privacy and finally Check voice history. There you will see all available tickets with their date etc.
With voice history, you will get an idea if someone was talking near you, if the TV was on, if there was music playing nearby, if there was noise from the street… It will give you a clue, so what move your Alexa device somewhere else where he can hear you better when you give him orders or ask him for information or something to do.
Rephrase the question
Usually when Alexa doesn’t understand you, it’s because you said something vague to her. Sometimes we ask him about something, and he answers us with information that has nothing to do with it. Although artificial intelligence behind Alexa everything is more efficient, it does not always find the right answer to our question. Therefore, we must repeat it differently.
Therefore, we can ask for the same actions in different ways. In the previous article, we saw dozens of voice commands for Alexa. The same commands can be reformulated to ask for the same thing with different commands. In the case of music, we can ask “turn on the music”, “Alexa, music”, “turn on the song”, and so on.
Just like sometimes we search for something on Google and don’t get the desired result, search the web or order something on Alexa It’s not as easy as letting go of the first thing that comes to mind. This is as it should be, but there is still much to be done in the field of speech recognition and artificial intelligence. For now, it’s about learning Alexa and learning about yourself along the way.
Alexa Voice Profiles
One way to solve these misunderstandings with Alexa is that Amazon’s voice assistant recognizes your voice. There is an option for this called voice identifier or voice profile. According to Amazon, “Alexa Voice ID helps Alexa recognize you and deliver a personalized experience.” That’s the whole point, right?
To create a voice ID, we can use the Alexa app on your phone. We are drop down list More > Settings and then we go to My Profile & Family > My Profile > Add My Voice. Follow the assistant, who will ask you to say something out loud, and then Alexa will know what kind of voice you have. That way, if he doesn’t answer you, he won’t, because we haven’t tried.
Source: Hiper Textual