The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) announced the broadcast next Tuesday (16). independent of “pure” 5G signal – using special devotional tapes – in the cities of Curitiba (PR), Goiânia (GO) and Salvador (BA).

talk to G1Moisés Moreira, the agency’s consultant, explained that the first project had the tech working in all Brazilian capitals by July 31, but the deadline had to be delayed by Anatel and now the expectation is that 5G will work up to 5G in all capitals. November 27.

Check the updated calendar below.

Cities where 5G SA is already enabled

The first Brazilian city to have 5G was Brasília (DF), on the 6th of July. It was followed by Belo Horizonte (MG), João Pessoa (PB) and Porto Alegre (RS) on 29 July, and São Paulo (SP) on 4 August.

Cities that already have a technology enable date

A meeting of Gaispi, a group created this Friday (12) by Anatel to oversee the delivery of 5G internet in the 3.5 GHz band, outlined a new activation schedule:

August 16

  • Curitiba (PR)
  • Goiania (GO)
  • Salvador BA).

Cities that are “in line” but still no date set

According to Moreira, the arrival of 5G in 15 capital cities had to be delayed because operators are waiting for some equipment to be installed so that the new technology signal does not interfere with existing professional satellite services.

Like this, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Vitória (ES), Florianópolis (SC) and Palmas (TO) will activate the signal until September 29 at most.. As for the 15 capital pending equipment, the maximum period for commercial implementation will be extended by 60 days, only “as a matter of caution and caution”According to Moreira.

until September 29

  • Rio de Janeiro – RJ)
  • Vitoria (ES)
  • Florianopolis (SC)
  • Palmas (TO)

until 27 November

  • prescription PE)
  • Fortaleza (CE)
  • Birth, RN)
  • Aracaju (SE)
  • Maceio (AL)
  • Teresina (PI)
  • Sao Luis (MA)
  • Campo Grande, MS)
  • Cuiaba (MT)
  • Porto Velho (RO)
  • Rio Branco (AC)
  • Mantle (AP)
  • Boa Vista (GR)
  • Greengrocer (AM)
  • Belém (PA)

The advent of 5G

When talking about “pure” 5G, this is because some national carriers have already announced the availability of 5G DSS (Dynamic Spectrum Sharing) since 2020. While this technology offers faster connections, still uses the same frequencies as 4Ghowever, it does not logically offer the same potential as fifth-generation mobile networks.

In fact, “5G” running in Brazil since 2020 is a software update with the same range as 4G but up to 12 times faster. This configuration uses the same fourth generation antennas, networks, equipment and infrastructure.

But what about pure 5G?

In fact, the real 5G being implemented in Brazilian capitals is 5G SA (standalone). Unlike 5G DSS and 5G NSA (non-standalone)uses the 5G network frequency and core. This means super-fast internet with low latency, ultra-fast downloads and lag-free gaming, as well as unprecedented industrial applications.

For the full feasibility of the new technology, new structures and equipment are needed, in addition to special hardware and software to transmit the signal. To get an idea of ​​the speed, the connection is up to 100 times faster than the 4G we know. In the new ecosystem, it is possible to think about the universalization of the Internet of Things (IoT), the spread of Artificial Intelligence and the instrumentalization of virtual universes.

Source: Tec Mundo

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