Do you postpone things that need to be done right now until later? Many scientific studies show that this behavior (otherwise known as procrastination) is indeed associated with serious problems.

Some people think procrastination is due to laziness or a lack of time management. But scientists believe it’s actually about something else: poorly developed mood management skills.

And such an assumption really makes sense, because people often put off things that they are disgusted with.

The experts also found that the parts of the brain involved in regulating emotions and detecting threats are different in those who procrastinate important tasks frequently than those who do not procrastinate frequently. The fact is that when a person avoids a task that is unpleasant for him, he avoids the negative emotions associated with it. As a result, the mood improves.

It is also known that people with low self-esteem are more prone to procrastination. The same can be said for those with high levels of perfectionism.

I must say that postponing things only temporarily improves mood. After that, the person begins to scold himself, and this only strengthens a bad mood and a tendency to procrastinate.

Why is procrastination still considered a problem? Studies show that procrastination has a negative impact on student achievement. Also, this type of procrastination can affect other areas of life.

A study of 3,000 German students found that those who admitted to procrastinating for six months were more likely to copy and plagiarize (copy) something. Also, such people often cheated when they needed to extend the deadlines for the delivery of work.

Another study showed that employees, on average, spend almost a quarter of their day procrastinating. And this, of course, is also associated with the worst consequences of their activities. Another study found that those who procrastinate regularly have lower annual incomes and are generally less stable in their jobs.

Procrastination is also linked to poor mental health. For example, procrastinators have higher levels of anxiety and depression.

Numerous studies have found that, in general, people who regularly procrastinate complain of more health problems. Such problems include flu, colds, headaches, problems with the digestive system. They’re also more likely to forget about lower sleep quality and higher stress levels, less healthy eating habits, and regular exercise. In fact, one study notes that those who procrastinate are 63% more likely to experience worse heart health.

How do I get rid of the habit of procrastination? First, you need to get rid of distractions and make tasks more meaningful to yourself. For example, you can remind yourself why something is important to you.

At the same time, you must stop judging yourself. Reminding that you are not the first and last person to procrastinate can help in this situation.

News cannot be equated with a doctor’s prescription. Consult an expert before making a decision.

Source: Ferra

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