Researchers from the University of California found that people with worse heart disease at age 36 had faster brain aging later on. In addition, the brains of men and women of the same age differed: in the former, they were often older than in the latter. The results of this scientific study were published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity.

People with older brains performed poorly on cognitive tests. They also suffered brain atrophy over the next two years.

All study participants were 69-72 years old. But at the same time, their brain ages ranged from 46 to 93.

Participants with worse cardiovascular health scores at age 36 or 69 also had worse overall brain health. The same was true for people with cerebrovascular disease.

Experts also found that older brains were associated with higher levels of neurofilament protein (NfL). It is believed that the increase in the level of this element is due to its damage to nerve cells.

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Source: Ferra

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