Studying the past is no less difficult than predicting the future. However, a number of mysteries of our distant history have already been solved. Recently, they were able to make an important discovery – to establish what kind of species was p b b b b b b b b b b This animal was the Brasilodon shrew, which lived about 225 million years ago. the main evidence was the structural features, the properties of teeth only for this class.

The shrew was an impression of animals – only 20 times visited the atmosphere. In the late Triassic period, it is found along with dinosaurs. The researchers drew attention to how the jaws of Brasilodon are arranged and signs of diphthia were revealed. This describes the timely replacement of milk teeth in the process of growing up. It is part of complex processes, changes in the anatomy of the skull, and is found only in thermals. Comparison of the remains of Brasilodon with later meetings to establish their relationship.

Previously the oldest authority in mammalian science recognized was morganucodon. Now the “crown of the leader” has passed to the Brasilodon, who lived 20 million years earlier. The conclusions of the scientific group are difficult to challenge – however, this does not mean that the issue is completely closed. On the contrary, the authors of open studies justified objections.

Source: Tech Cult

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