The market is very complex and all companies are taking measures to maintain their revenue ratios. One of them is Apple, which adapts to what they have in their different products. One of the things that seems untouchable, app storesomething that has changed radically.

Apple’s official app store for iOS represents a very important income for the company managed by Tim Cook, and finally, they did not miss the opportunity. a little more often to those who decide to buy an application that provides them with a good service (professional or entertainment). The fact is that in Europe and, accordingly, in Spain, the prices of applications will be slightly more expensive.

App Store price increase made official

In other words, there is no doubt that the prices of applications will increase in the official Apple store. This is because it is the company itself that announces this will happen, both in direct purchase of an app and in the apps included in them. The reason this happens is because at least as stated, weakness of the euro against the dollarSo, according to the company, this decision had to be made for everything to be viable.

Using apps on Apple iPhone


What will happen is that Apple’s preset levels will rise in the App Store, so you should not think that the developers are to blame for this. The increases won’t be excessive, but they will be enough to be noticeable to both users and the North American company itself. a) Yes, first level increases from 0.99 to 1.99 euros; while increasing from a maximum of €999 to €1,999. Therefore, we are talking about a significant percentage and not talking about anything about getting anything less than a Euro.

When will the price increase be applied?

According to the official information provided, the day will be October 5th The moment the prices will go up is, as we’ve mentioned, so if you have something in mind to buy from the App Store, don’t waste too much time because if you put it off you’ll have to spend a little more. An important thing to know is that auto-renewing subscriptions are not affected by this price increase, which will be a break for many.

Finally, the price increase announced by Apple affects other regionsoutside of Europe. These are: Chile, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Poland, South Korea, Sweden and Vietnam. Therefore, we are talking about a decision that is quite global but leaves the USA and Canada out of the equation.

Source: Cincodias Elpais

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