Australian and British research has developed products that meet the requirements of brain cells. The system, called “DishBrain,” consists of 800,000 human and mouse neurons grown in vitro. This is not a living being and not even its likeness – it has neither mind nor sense organs, it’s just bio. However, she has already learned how to play computer ping-pong.

The Dishbrain brain taps are connected to electrodes that can stimulate them with pulses from p p p c c c c The system also reads response impulses that interpret the behavior of the brain biome. Initially, the installation creates a task process rrrrrrrr Do not forget about the sensitivity and short reaction of DishBrain to new signs, and this was possible.

DishBrainPhoto by DishBrain, half-hour electron microscope scan

The pocket-encouragement-based cassette coverage is useless here, as the gunning mass should. Therefore, there was an application of the principle of free energy, according to which presence is systematized in a predictable and comfortable environment, so as not to waste energy on adapting to my conditions. When the biomass performed the “correct” action, it received a short, predictable impulse, and when the “wrong” one, it was “punished” with a long, unpredictable and annoying signal.

The scientists built a model of the game of ping-pong in which a developmental tracking system reveals a ball between two rackets—two separate colonies of cell mass. The system transmitted the “coordinates” of the ball to the cells, changing the frequency and duration of the signal waves. computing approach, the scientists trained the cell mass in the game of ping pong in just 5 .

Everything about this experiment is fascinating. And t, as the mozillas themselves quickly began to recognize complex and abstract days with signals and r. And what was explored was built as a prototype of the new for discussion with anyone on earth. And in general, the fact that ordinary biomass wandered revival to protect the environment and perform tasks that are not prescientific.

Source: Tech Cult

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