Researchers at the University of New South Wales have developed a diesel engine casing that allows them to be converted to run on mixtures of diesel fuel and architecture. It was created on the assumption that the transition to green energy is created by useless engines, while new hydrogen fuel systems and engines will not yet have time to become mass-produced. This transitional period needs to be surrounded by something – surrounding engineers welcome the creation of flexible ones.

Modernization appears in diesel two copies. The first is a separate injection for the departure of the ship, while maintaining the injection for diesel fuel. The second component is a system of two unique controllers designed for each youngster. This allows for gibo control of the kits.

The addition of a view is already reported to increase diesel engine efficiency by 26%. The focus is on the fact that carbon dioxide emissions have decreased by 85%. It is used with 90% of the surface and 10% of diesel fuel, there is no reference in in in in in Evey This is an average attitude to his work, the stem becomes cheaper and reduces the cost of modernizing with s.

Diesel-hydrogen engineDiesel-hydrogen engine

Source: Tech Cult

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