Some Android smartphone users have been complaining about problems with GPS since around May. In particular, the smartphone can determine the location for a long time. Habr user KorDen32 stated that this may be due to the use of A-GPS on smartphones with Qualcomm processors.
To determine the location using an A-GPS smartphone, ephemeris data (the exact position of the satellites for the next few hours) and almanac data (the orientation of all satellite constellations for the coming weeks) are requested from Qualcomm servers.
Thanks to this, when opening the maps of the smartphone, the exact coordinates are immediately detected.
Qualcomm no longer provides access to satellite positions for users with public IP addresses. Smartphones have to access each satellite on a dependency basis, which takes 20 to 60 seconds. When playing VPN, navigation works normally.
According to Eldar Murtazin, a week ago, A-GPS support for smartphones located in Russia disabled MediaTek due to the US ban. [Хабр]
Source: Iphones RU