Last Wednesday, Turkish engineer Orkut Büyükköktenfounder of the classic orkut, reactivated the social networking site and announced that it is preparing an innovation that should be announced soon. The network was created in 2004 and deactivated in 2014 – by the way, in 2008 Google bought the platform.

The social network was very successful especially among Brazilians in the 2000s and managed to create a community with more than one person. 300 million users worldwide. However, not everyone knows about orkut, especially the generation that grew up with TikTok.

Therefore TecMundo When Orkut became the most famous social network in the country, he compiled a list of some of the most rewarding features by Brazilians.

9 – Friendly Poke

Buddy Poke is one of Orkut’s classic possibilities, in which users can create 3D avatars based on their physical characteristics – from the hair to the shoes of the avatar, customization was possible. This feature is available through an extension available on the social network.

Among other options, it was possible to edit the character’s background, add dialogs, and select the mood like happy, passionate, laughing.

8 – Happy Harvest and other games

happy harvest

In the classic game Happy Harvest, players can take care of their own farm and complete all the necessary tasks to protect it. At PetMania, for example, it was possible to adopt a personalized pet to take care of it, such as a Tamagotchi breed.

Like Buddy Poke, games in Orkut were developed by third parties and made available on the social network.

7 – Scrap

Orkut Notes

On Orkut, users could post public messages on their friends’ notebook wall, and it wasn’t just limited to sending texts. Many times people posted images and gifs, not to mention religious or even demonic currents – it was also common to post drawings created with the text itself.

6 – Profile visited

Who visited your profile?

In the nostalgic age of Orkut, social networks caused less problems for its users and therefore it was possible to see all the people who visited your profile in the last few days. The option could not be turned off, meaning you or your friends could not hide that they visited a profile.

If Facebook or Instagram had a similar option, this feature would likely have caused a lot of controversy among friends, boyfriends, and family.

5 – Luck of the Day

chance of the day

The horoscope has always been very popular among thousands of people, but Orkut had his own choice. In “Chance of the Day”, users received daily motivational phrases and predictions such as “It’s time to make new friends” and “Society prepares crime, criminals commit”.

4 – Profile colors and theme

Different profile colors and themes

At the launch of the original Orkut, users were not able to change the color of the social network, but with the arrival of the “New Orkut” a customization option was introduced – at first, the default color was classic baby blue.

In an update in 2009, users were able to change the colors and theme of their profiles, and for a long time only guests could make changes. After a while, the feature was made available to everyone.

3 – Reputation

Profile sorting options

Back then it was possible to review your friends anonymously. You can categorize users as “sexy” (little heart icon), “beautiful” (ice icon), “trustworthy” (happy face icon), or “I’m a fan” (star icon).

2 – Opinions

orkut references

“Comments” were content posted on the honoree’s page in the form of compliments, but the message had to be approved before it could be publicly posted on the profile. Friends and other sincere people can make declarations of love, friendship or simply post them. to keep the message at the top of the references list.

At the beginning “Not accepted!” We cannot forget the “secret statements” sent with the phrase. or “Do not publish!”. Most of the time, these references were candid messages, and even so, many people only posted the message to piss off their friends.

1 – Communities

Orkut communities are still remembered by nostalgic users

Orkut’s “Communities” have been very successful among Brazilian users as it is possible to find people who share the same interests. More than 50 million communities have been created while Orkut is working.

Is Orkut coming back? Remember the best social networking communities

In addition, some ensembles became famous for their realism and jokes, such as the groups “I love chocolate”, “I opened the refrigerator to think”, “I wanted ice cream, but it was beans”, among others.

Source: Tec Mundo

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