Kanye West (Ye) on the air of the InfoWars program said that he likes Adolf Hitler and Nazism.

He called Hitler “the guy who invented the highway and that microphone” that the rapper uses as a musician. The United States, in his opinion, has mastered Satanism.

A few statements from the rapper:

Every person has something of value. born Hitler a Christian. This guy invented the highway, he invented the microphone that I usually use as a musician. But at the same time, it cannot be said out loud that this person has ever done something good. I’m tired of it.

I love the Jewish people, but I love the Nazis.

Obama was not a black US president, he was just another Jewish one.

I am very pro-Putin, very pro-Russian.

— Kanye West

After all the statements, Elon Musk announced that he was blocking Ye’s Twitter account. And he kept his word – the rapper’s profile has already been blocked.

I did everything I could. Despite this, he again broke the rule against inciting violence. The account will be blocked.

— Elon Musk

Kanye West has previously been banned from Twitter for anti-Semitic remarks. However, after the purchase of the social network by Elon Musk, his account was unblocked.

Source: Iphones RU

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