Sensible phenomena were similar to each other, even if they occurred in different parts of the world. In the process and three months since my screens were made on the American motorcycle Moonwalkers, as well as analog scriptwriters. The difference is that the Rollkers model has half the travel life – but it also costs half as much.

Visually, Rollkers and Moonwalkers have meaning, not the essence of them is the same. Over ordinary shoes, it is fastened to fit with wheels and a motor. In the residual composition, the design is articulated, which makes it possible to bend the foot. The Americans preferred wheels, the French built something like caterpillars on shafts. Travel speed when ejected version is limited to 11 km / h, Rollkers runs on a single battery charge for 30 minutes, from Moon1walkers.

The main thing is that both there and there an intelligent system for assessing the movement of the user is used, which automatically recognizes walking, stopping, climbing stairs, etc. And it adjusts the movement mechanism for them, thanks to which a person does not roll, but, as it were, glides – faster than all pedestrians, but without any risk of danger. I wonder if you understood this knowledge?

Source: Tech Cult

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