This Sunday (19) Deadline for removing two-step authentication (2FA) via text message (SMS) on Twitter. If users don’t, the social network warns that access to accounts may be blocked.
Twitter in February SMS login verification will be limited to Twitter Blue subscribers.platform subscription service costs up to R$ 60 per month. The company said in its announcement that the security measure may prove ineffective in malicious campaigns, but that about 74% of people use it.
“Only Twitter Blue subscribers can use two-step authentication enabled via text message. It will take at least a few minutes to remove it.” .
The measure did not satisfy most users, despite the reasoning that the method is not the safest. Charges for the use of 2FA, which is seen as a basic security measure, in the social network are also among the complaints.
Will I lose my account?
In a message displayed in the app, Twitter said, “To avoid losing access to Twitter, please remove the text-enabled two-step authentication by March 19, 2023.” To continue using the account, you must disable this method. and prefer others, such as using admin apps like Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator.
In the app, simply do the following:
1. Tap on your profile picture and then “Settings & Support” menu;
2. Select “Settings and Privacy”;
3. Tap “Security and Account Access” on the next page, then tap “Security”;
4. Select “Two-Step Authentication”;
5. Here you have three options: “Text Message”, “Authentication Application” and “Security Key”;
6. Disable the SMS option and select an authentication application, if available.
Last Wednesday (15), the Consumer Defense Institute (Idec) notified Twitter of the new measure. The agency understands that this violates Brazilian legislation, because Blue offers security as a “privilege” for its subscribers. The notification has also been sent to the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon) for consideration of the case.
Source: Tec Mundo

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