Modern science consists of several fronts of work, many of which focus on solving pressing problems to ensure our survival. However, the quest to answer key questions such as the principle of everything has always been the greatest motivation for driving most scientific advances. Discoveries that make technological leaps to improve our quality of life are almost always the indirect result of much more ambitious work.

By analyzing the dwindling elements and behavior patterns of matter, Physics discovered radiation and subatomic particlesThis allowed studies that could trace and date the origin of these particles. These studies were necessary to support theories about the origin of the Universe, such as the Big Bang, which are more accepted among scientists. However, they also point to the possible end.

beginning of the end

No matter how strong the evidence to support these ideas, they remain only theory, not certainty, so work in non-Newtonian physics continues to advance, finding even more primitive elements such as dark matter.

As a result, each discovery opens paths to other fields of study, leading to new lines of reasoning. One of the most curious is not where the cosmos was born, but when and how it will die..

Different ideas about the end of all existence are gaining strength following the evolution of nuclear physics and quantum physics, but four of them stand out as the most likely:

    • Big Bounce or Big Kickback;
    • Big Crack or Big Crash;
    • Big Freeze or Big Freeze;
    • Large Tear or Large Fracture.

The Great Crash and the Great Rebound

The first idea that has already been cast aside is the Great Slump (Great Slump). For some time it was believed that gravitational forces between the elements of the cosmos would attract all planets and stars, which would eventually collapse into a single point, similar to the formation of black holes.

This point of singularity, then, can lead to two possibilities, one is that the heat of this condensed mass breaks the nuclei of atoms to cease to exist, and the other is that this energy triggers a new Big Bang.

The second hypothesis is known as the theory. Big Rebound (big leap) and mainly based on the idea that the Universe is a cyclical and non-linear natural phenomenon.. According to this theoretical line, the big explosion of hypercondensed matter at a single point is a repeating event every billion years.

After this event, The universe would begin to grow to the point where the density itself a limiting constant, it will begin to exert a counterforce that will gradually slow down the expansion process and initiate a contraction.

propositions big crunch This big leapHowever, it depends on the concepts that the Universe is finite and that the gravitational attraction between its elements is sufficient to form a “universal elastic memory”. Thus, the larger the universe, the greater the force opposing this motion. As a result, the expansion process would continually slow down, despite the thunderous energy pushing all existing elements out of the singularity.

Expansion with positive acceleration

Both hypotheses have recently fallen into disbelief. Scientists still can’t determine exactly why this happens, but they can measure the expansion rate of the Universe. does not decrease, it increases.

With the discovery of dark matter, it was possible to determine that it exists. There is a positive acceleration at the distance of these particles, and therefore all other particles, from the center of the Big Bang.. in the book Cosmic Inquiries: Startalk’s Guide to Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We’re Going (2021), Neil deGrasse Tyson devoted a whole chapter to the possible endings of the universe.

An important point the astrophysicist reinforces is that the proposition for the existence of an elastic memory has been dismissed, as data measuring the velocity of dark matter, although possible in theoretical models, indicates only positively accelerated motion. Thus, he empirically refutes the Big Crunch and Big Bounce theories, even without knowing exactly how this rate continues to increase.

The Great Freeze and the Great Destruction

TS Eliot published perhaps one of his most famous poems, The Hollow Men, in 1925. His conclusion is the maxim that defines the end of existence, according to astrophysicists looking for just these answers: “This is how the world disappears, not with an explosion, but with a sigh.”

As the results of studies on cosmic rays and particles confirm, the distance between all cosmic elements is getting bigger and faster. Assuming the laws of conservation of energy and mass are correct, the dimensions of the Universe are the result of the ratio between its average density and its boundary constant, the critical density.

If these densities are equal, the process of rapid growth tends to expand towards a limit, defining the Universe as flat. Based on this, there are formulations of the two most accepted theories for the end of everything. In either case, as a result of this growth, the distance between planets and stars will increase forever, reaching a point where the distance between molecular elements will also begin to increase.

this will do Combustible gases from the fusion of stars begin to move away from the cores, encouraging these cosmic powerhouses of light and heat to burn less and less until they are extinguished., resulting in the Great Freeze. Despite being a more widely accepted theory than Collapse and Rebound, the Great Freeze is losing interest towards another assumption that is less abstract than the assumption that known space has stretched to a point of stagnation.

tearing up the subject

Still relying on the assumption that the Universe is a plane of accelerated growth, some astrophysicists, including Neil deGrasse Tyson, I believe more in the Big Rip theory. The concept behind this theory is essentially the same as Freezing.however, he predicts that atomic deconstruction from runaway growth still conserves the total energy of the system, as Einstein observed in his photoelectric effect conjecture.

Therefore, stretching the Universe to the defined limit would fatally break this plane. Contrary to the thought that everything will end with a big new explosion similar to the Big Bang, it is possible that the universe as we know it will come to an end much more calmly and simply. paper page.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I'm Blaine Morgan, an experienced journalist and writer with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. My expertise lies in writing about technology news and trends, covering everything from cutting-edge gadgets to emerging software developments. I've written for several leading publications including Gadget Onus where I am an author.


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