“Liquid windows” consist of two double-glazed windows with three layers of channels between which different liquids such as water, oil and alcohol are contained. Each liquid has its own optical properties and can be pumped in or out as needed.

For example, you can add carbon black to water or alcohol to darken a window – this will turn off the light without sacrificing transparency. Pigments that absorb infrared radiation can be used to regulate heat. Different sizes of nanoparticles that scatter light in different ways can be used to change the direction of light.

Computer simulations have shown that “liquid windows” can save up to 40% more energy than traditional “smart” windows using semiconductor materials. At the same time, “liquid glasses” are safer for health and the environment.

Now the project is in an early stage of development, but the scientists hope to bring the technology to market within five years.

Source: Ferra

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