Experts in nutrition and weight loss have identified 15 ways you can lose weight. And they don’t include exercise.

  1. Balanced and nutritious diet. It is important to eat a variety of foods every day. However, as WebMD points out, you can lose weight if you eat in a calorie deficit of about 500 calories per day. To do this, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains.

  2. Smaller cymbals. A 2017 study says portion control would be easier in principle if you used smaller plates.

  3. mindful eating. This means you need to focus on the emotional and physical sensations while you eat. A June 2022 review notes that mindful eating is an effective way to maintain eating habits and control your weight.

  4. drink more water. Data from Johns Hopkins University show that drinking water can suppress appetite, stimulate metabolism and help the body burn fat. Also, scientists have found that if you drink a glass of water before meals, you will reduce your food intake.

  5. enough sleep. Sleep plays a critical role in weight loss, according to a 2022 review published in Nutrients. Also, one study found that people who ate fewer calories for 14 days burned less fat when they slept 5.5 hours, compared to 8.5 hours.

  6. Healthy food emphasis. Always have these products at hand. This will increase your odds of eating healthy foods and losing weight.

  7. Stress Management. A 2017 study found that low mood and stress are associated with reduced physical activity and overeating. Chronic stress can increase cortisol levels in the body, leading to weight gain and increased appetite.

  1. Filling half a plate with vegetables. These foods are low in calories and high in nutritional value. Therefore, thanks to them, you can eat well. And if you eat vegetables first, you’ll eat less junk food overall.

  2. Portion control. If you constantly try to eat every crumb on your plate, it will only lead to weight gain.

  3. Food intake tracking. You can keep a food diary or use a special app.

  4. limiting consumption of processed foods. Many of these foods are high in calories, added sugar, sodium and fat. Scientific studies show that excessive consumption of such foods can lead to weight gain.

  5. slow chewed food. According to scientific articles, the body needs at least 20 minutes to digest food. If you only eat for 5-10 minutes, you are most likely overeating. The truth is, during this time your brain doesn’t have time to understand whether you’re full or not.

  6. Restriction of alcohol consumption. Many alcoholic beverages are high in sugar and calories.

  7. Avoid adding cream or sugar to coffee. Just drink black coffee.

  8. cooking your own food. It is known that the calories of fast food and meals in restaurants are quite high.

News cannot be equated with a doctor’s prescription. Consult an expert before making a decision.

Source: Ferra

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